Saturday, 4 August 2012

10 Week Study on True Prosperity - Week 2: God’s Instructions to the Rich

This week we're continuing on this study/wealth seminar as taught on the Believer'sVoice of Victory program on Trinity Broadcasting Network by Pastor George Pearsons
from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, Texas.

So without Further Delay:

God’s Instructions to the Rich

A. Are You Prepared for Prosperity?

“…I am looking to and fro across the earth for those to whom I may show Myself strong and
transfer My property and My influence in the earth out of the hands of the powers of darkness
and into the hands of My people.

“Are you prepared?

“What would you do if I put you in charge?

“Would you follow the plan that the world already has that is full of confusion and doubt and
unbelief, or would you dare rise up and say, ‘Thus saith the Lord…’?”
—Word from the Lord through Kenneth Copeland, June 27, 2011

B. How Do We Prepare for This Great Transfer of Wealth?

1. God’s Word reveals how to prepare for prosperity.

2. There is a sharp contrast between God’s covenant people and the world concerning
the handling of their wealth.

3. Their differing attitudes and character traits are clearly defined in Scripture.

4. Will we know how to properly handle wealth when it comes to us?
a. What will we do with it?
b. We must function on a higher level than the world.

5. “What would you do if I put you in charge?”
a. Now is the time to prepare for that assignment.
b. Now is the time to learn how to be rich—God’s way.
C. Study the Lives of Lottery Winners

“Study the lives of lottery winners. They turn out badly because they are poor people
with money.” (Note the woman who won $1,000,000 in the lottery who wanted to keep
her welfare payments of $200 per month.)

“They did not become wealthy people because they were still poor in their thinking and in
their spirits. They had no clue what to do with all that money. They tend to take the ‘quick
grab’ and leave half of it laying on the table. They were going to pay $250,000 every month
for 25 years. Instead, they want the whole $12,000,000 right now. Why? Because they want
to blow it. If they had any sense, they would take the $250,000 each month and make
$20,000,000 each year with it.” (Note the lottery winner who started a pool table repair
franchise and lost $12,000,000.)
—From True Prosperity by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland

D. 1 Timothy 6:17-19—Instructions to the Rich

1. Paul did not exclude rich people from the Church.

2. Paul was a wealthy man.
a. Acts 24:25-26 (NIV): “As Paul discoursed on righteousness, self-control and
the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and said, ‘That’s enough for now! You
may leave. When I find it convenient, I will send for you.’ At the same time he
was hoping that Paul would offer him a bribe, so he sent for him frequently and
talked with him.”
i. No one expects a bribe from a poor man.
ii. Verse 26: “He hoped also that money should have been given him of
Paul, that he might loose him.”
b. Philemon 18 (AMP): “And if he has done you any wrong in any way or owes
anything [to you], charge that to my account.”
i. NLT: “Charge it to me.”
ii. WNT: “Debit me with the amount.”
c. Philippians 4:18 (AMP): “I have everything I need and am amply supplied.”
i. “I have all, and abound: I am full….”
ii. MSG: “I have it all—and keep getting more!”

3. Paul was not intimidated by wealthy people.
a. “Charge them that are rich in this world.”
b. Charge (GK) = order them, command them, teach them

4. Paul understood the pitfalls of wealth.
a. 1 Timothy 6:9-10 (AMP): “But those who crave to be rich fall into temptation and
a snare and into many foolish (useless, godless) and hurtful desires that plunge men
into ruin and destruction and miserable perishing. For the love of money is a root of
all evils; it is through this craving that some have been led astray and have wandered
from the faith and pierced themselves through with many acute [mental] pangs.”
b. MSG: “But if it’s only money these leaders are after, they’ll self-destruct in no
time. Lust for money brings trouble and nothing but trouble. Going down that
path, some lose their footing in the faith completely and live to regret it bitterly
ever after.”
c. Matthew 19:23-24 (AMP): “And Jesus said to His disciples, Truly I say to you, it
will be difficult for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you,
it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go
into the kingdom of heaven.”

5. Paul’s instructions to the rich
a. That they not be high-minded
b. Nor trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things
to enjoy
c. That they do good
d. That they be rich in good works
e. Ready to distribute, willing to communicate

There you have it folks, Week 2: God’s Instructions to the Rich

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God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
SUCCESS in 2012 and beyond = FREE Income Generating Programs + FREE Training
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"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

Ps. Feel free to pass the link to this post on to whomever you like!

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