Today I'm continuing on 100 Lessons on Prosperity. This is based on a series of notes and teachings as was taught on the Believer's Voice of Victory program on Trinity Broadcasting Network by Gloria Copeland & Pastor George Pearsons from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, Texas.
For the next few weeks I'll be posting on 100 Lessons on Prosperity.
So without Further Delay:
Lesson 3: Same Conditions—Different Results
A. Jeremiah 17:5-8: Same Conditions—Different Results
1. The cursed man trusts himself; his heart is not toward God.
2. The result: no fruit, no hope, no future
3. The blessed man trusts God with his whole heart.
4. The result: thriving tree, roots deep, no fear, produces fruit
5. Verse 17:8 (MSG): “They’re like trees replanted in Eden, putting down roots near the
rivers. Never a worry through the hottest of summers, never dropping a leaf. Serene
and calm through droughts, bearing fresh fruit every season.”
B. Luke 6:46-49: Same Storm—Different Outcome
C. Confession
I am not moved by what I see.
I am not moved by what I hear.
I am not subject to the times.
I will keep obeying God.
I will keep tithing.
I will keep sowing seed.
I will keep walking by faith.
I will keep going to church.
I am separated from the curse of lack.
I am connected to THE BLESSING of Abraham.
I am thriving, flourishing, increasing, enlarging,
experiencing God’s supernatural provision.
I call 2013...
PROSPERITY YEAR for my household.
Word From the Lord
Given to Charles Capps
February 1, 1978
Financial Inversion Shall Increase In These Days
Financial inversion shall increase in these days. For you see, it is My desire to
move in the realm of your financial prosperity. But release Me, saith the Lord,
release Me that I may come in your behalf and move on your behalf.
For yes, yes, yes, there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there. The
economy shall go up and it will go down; but those that learn to walk in the Word,
they shall see the prosperity of the Word come forth in this hour in a way that has
not been seen by men in days past.
Yes, there’s coming a financial inversion in the world’s system. It’s been held in
reservoirs of wicked men for days on end. But the end is nigh. Those reservoirs
shall be tapped and shall be drained into the gospel of Jesus Christ. It shall be
done, saith the Lord. It shall be done in the time allotted and so shall it be that the
word of the Lord shall come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the
Predominantly in two ways shall it be done in this hour. Those who have hoarded
up and stored because of the inspiration of the evil one and held the money from
the gospel shall be converted and drawn into the kingdom. But many, many will
not. They’ll not heed the voice of the Word of God. They’ll turn aside to this and
they’ll turn to that and they’ll walk in their own ways, but their ways will not
work in this hour. It’ll dwindle and it’ll slip away as though it were in bags with
holes in them. It’ll go here and it’ll go there and they’ll wonder why it’s not
working now. “It worked in days past,” they’ll say.
But it shall be, saith the Lord, that the Word of the Lord shall rise within men—
men of God of low esteem in the financial world—that shall claim the Word of
God to be their very own and walk in the light of it as it has been set forth in the
Word, and give. They’ll begin to give small at first because that’s all they have,
but then it will increase, and through the hundredfold return, so shall it be that the
reservoirs that have held the riches in days past, so shall it return to the hands of
the giver. Because of the hundredfold return shall the reservoirs be lost from the
wicked and turned to the gospel. For it shall be, it shall be in this hour that you
will see things that you’ve never dreamed come to pass. Oh, it’ll be strong at first
in ways, then it will grow greater and greater until men will be astounded and the
world will stand in awe because the ways of men have failed and the ways of God
shall come forth.
As men walk in My Word, so shall they walk in the ways of the Lord. Oh yes,
there will be some who say, “Yes, but God’s ways are higher, surely higher than
our ways, and we can’t walk in those.” It’s true that the ways of God are higher.
They are higher than your ways as the heavens are above the earth, but I’ll teach
you to walk in My ways. I never did say you couldn’t walk in My ways. Now
learn to walk in them. Learn to give. So shall the inversion of the financial system
revert and so shall it be that the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to all the
world, and there shall be no lack in the kingdom. Those that give shall walk in the
ways of the supernatural! They shall be known abroad. My Word shall spread and
the knowledge of the Lord shall fill all the earth in the day and the hour in which
ye stand. Ye shall see it and know it, for it is of Me, and it shall come to pass,
saith the Lord.
Yours in Success...
God bless..
Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley
"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah
“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your
life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley
"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with
it" Prov 10:22
Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz
Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012
Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley
Join me in Fasting
From Wrong Thinking this year!
Claim your FREE gift (FREE advertising FOR YOU) just for visiting this blog!
Friday, 29 March 2013
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
100 Lessons on Prosperity: Lesson 2 - Not Subject to the Times
Today I'm continuing on 100 Lessons on Prosperity. This is based on a series of notes and teachings as was taught on the Believer's Voice of Victory program on Trinity Broadcasting Network by Gloria Copeland & Pastor George Pearsons from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, Texas.
For the next few weeks I'll be posting on 100 Lessons on Prosperity.
So without Further Delay:
Lesson 2: Not Subject to the Times
A. We Are Not Subject to the Times
1. We are not subject to, and do not live under, the dominion, rule, control or influence
of whichever way the economy and world system is going at the moment.
2. The times are subject to the authority of the Word, the blood and the Name of Jesus
spoken and acted upon by the believer.
3. The times are subject to us.
4. We are subject to and governed by another economy and another system—the
kingdom of God.
5. We live in the secret place.
a. Psalm 27:1-6: “In the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion….”
b. Psalm 32:6-7: “Thou art my hiding place….”
c. Psalm 31:14-15: “My times are in thy hand….”
B. John 17:13-22—We Are Separated From the World’s Failing System
1. We are to thrive and not just survive.
a. Survive—barely get by, merely exist
b. Thrive—flourish, succeed, advance, prosper
2. Verse 14: We are not of this world’s system.
3. Verse 15: “…Keep them from the evil.”
a. Matthew 6:13: “Deliver us from evil….”
b. Galatians 1:4: “…Deliver us from this present evil world.”
c. 1 John 5:18: “…That wicked one toucheth him not.”
d. 1 Corinthians 10:13: He has made a way to escape.
4. Verse 17: Sanctified from the world through the Word
a. Sanctified—Separated and cut away from the effects of
b. Romans 8:2: “The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free
[has separated me] from the law of sin and death.”
5. We thrive and prosper in tough times.
a. We are not subject to the economy.
b. We flourish in spite of what is happening.
c. Untouched and unaffected
C. Exodus 8:23—The Wall of Redemption
1. Verses 20-23: No swarms of flies
2. 9:1-7: Cattle didn’t die
3. 9:22-26: No hail
4. 10:21-23: Light in the land
5. Galatians 3:13: Separated from the curse
a. Verse 9: “They which be of faith are blessed….”
Word From the Lord
Given to Kenneth Copeland
August 6, 2010
Everything Is Going to Be ALL-RIGHT in the Household of Faith
The world is in serious trouble. But for the household of faith and those who will
cling to My Word and listen very carefully, and do this thing that I have
demonstrated before you tonight, and night after night after night. You can do
that. You can do it yourself. You can stand in your place and you can worship,
and you can praise in the face of hell itself. And you can praise yourself into that
place where you say, “Ha, ha, ha. Everything is going to be all right.”
The world, I’ll tell you again, is in serious trouble. Some very hard things are
coming, in different places around the world. Very difficult times in a lot of
places. They’re that way now, but they’ll not get better. They will continue to get
worse and worse and worse. It is on a downhill run that the world cannot stop.
But, for the household of faith, everything’s going to be all right. Everything is
going to be all right.
Oh, yeah—you’ll have to make a stand. You’ll have to fight the good fight of
faith. But, when did you not have to do that? These are dangerous times. They’re
dangerous times financially. They’re dangerous times in the earth because the
earth is weighted under a gross weight of sin. There are things and places and
situations underneath the earth, in the oceans, in the heavens. Things are being
rattled and shaken. The earth is trying to break in different places.
Stand on My Word and it’ll not come nigh you. Praise and worship My Name.
Don’t feed and feed fear and feed trouble into your life and into your mouth. No,
no, no, no. Quit living in that house. Get on back over here in the household of
faith. Feed on My Word, not on the bread of sorrow. Feed on My Word. Look in
My face. Praise and worship. And praise and worship. In church, praise and
worship and preach the Word. Praise and worship and preach the Word. Praise
and worship and preach the Word. Everything’s going to be all right.
For as I have said, and will continue to say until it becomes solid and strong in
your spirit—your time has come. It is your time to excel. It is your time to do
exceeding, extraordinary things in the financial world, in the medical world, in all
of the areas where the world is in such dire trouble and so confused that they’re
confused beyond their ability to understand how confused they really are. And
they’re hurting because of it. They are crying out because of it. People are trying
to take advantage of people because they’re so confused and because they’re so
Yours in Success...
God bless..
Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley
"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling
“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley
"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22
Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz
Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012
Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley
Join me in Fasting From Wrong Thinking this year!
Claim your FREE gift (FREE advertising FOR YOU) just for visiting this blog!
For the next few weeks I'll be posting on 100 Lessons on Prosperity.
So without Further Delay:
Lesson 2: Not Subject to the Times
A. We Are Not Subject to the Times
1. We are not subject to, and do not live under, the dominion, rule, control or influence
of whichever way the economy and world system is going at the moment.
2. The times are subject to the authority of the Word, the blood and the Name of Jesus
spoken and acted upon by the believer.
3. The times are subject to us.
4. We are subject to and governed by another economy and another system—the
kingdom of God.
5. We live in the secret place.
a. Psalm 27:1-6: “In the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion….”
b. Psalm 32:6-7: “Thou art my hiding place….”
c. Psalm 31:14-15: “My times are in thy hand….”
B. John 17:13-22—We Are Separated From the World’s Failing System
1. We are to thrive and not just survive.
a. Survive—barely get by, merely exist
b. Thrive—flourish, succeed, advance, prosper
2. Verse 14: We are not of this world’s system.
3. Verse 15: “…Keep them from the evil.”
a. Matthew 6:13: “Deliver us from evil….”
b. Galatians 1:4: “…Deliver us from this present evil world.”
c. 1 John 5:18: “…That wicked one toucheth him not.”
d. 1 Corinthians 10:13: He has made a way to escape.
4. Verse 17: Sanctified from the world through the Word
a. Sanctified—Separated and cut away from the effects of
b. Romans 8:2: “The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free
[has separated me] from the law of sin and death.”
5. We thrive and prosper in tough times.
a. We are not subject to the economy.
b. We flourish in spite of what is happening.
c. Untouched and unaffected
C. Exodus 8:23—The Wall of Redemption
1. Verses 20-23: No swarms of flies
2. 9:1-7: Cattle didn’t die
3. 9:22-26: No hail
4. 10:21-23: Light in the land
5. Galatians 3:13: Separated from the curse
a. Verse 9: “They which be of faith are blessed….”
Word From the Lord
Given to Kenneth Copeland
August 6, 2010
Everything Is Going to Be ALL-RIGHT in the Household of Faith
The world is in serious trouble. But for the household of faith and those who will
cling to My Word and listen very carefully, and do this thing that I have
demonstrated before you tonight, and night after night after night. You can do
that. You can do it yourself. You can stand in your place and you can worship,
and you can praise in the face of hell itself. And you can praise yourself into that
place where you say, “Ha, ha, ha. Everything is going to be all right.”
The world, I’ll tell you again, is in serious trouble. Some very hard things are
coming, in different places around the world. Very difficult times in a lot of
places. They’re that way now, but they’ll not get better. They will continue to get
worse and worse and worse. It is on a downhill run that the world cannot stop.
But, for the household of faith, everything’s going to be all right. Everything is
going to be all right.
Oh, yeah—you’ll have to make a stand. You’ll have to fight the good fight of
faith. But, when did you not have to do that? These are dangerous times. They’re
dangerous times financially. They’re dangerous times in the earth because the
earth is weighted under a gross weight of sin. There are things and places and
situations underneath the earth, in the oceans, in the heavens. Things are being
rattled and shaken. The earth is trying to break in different places.
Stand on My Word and it’ll not come nigh you. Praise and worship My Name.
Don’t feed and feed fear and feed trouble into your life and into your mouth. No,
no, no, no. Quit living in that house. Get on back over here in the household of
faith. Feed on My Word, not on the bread of sorrow. Feed on My Word. Look in
My face. Praise and worship. And praise and worship. In church, praise and
worship and preach the Word. Praise and worship and preach the Word. Praise
and worship and preach the Word. Everything’s going to be all right.
For as I have said, and will continue to say until it becomes solid and strong in
your spirit—your time has come. It is your time to excel. It is your time to do
exceeding, extraordinary things in the financial world, in the medical world, in all
of the areas where the world is in such dire trouble and so confused that they’re
confused beyond their ability to understand how confused they really are. And
they’re hurting because of it. They are crying out because of it. People are trying
to take advantage of people because they’re so confused and because they’re so
Yours in Success...
God bless..
Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley
"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling
“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley
"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22
Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz
Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012
Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley
Join me in Fasting From Wrong Thinking this year!
Claim your FREE gift (FREE advertising FOR YOU) just for visiting this blog!
Monday, 25 March 2013
100 Lessons on Prosperity: Lesson 1 - God Wants Us to Prosper
This week I'm starting on 100 Lessons on Prosperity. This is based on a series of notes and teachings as was taught on the Believer's Voice of Victory program on Trinity Broadcasting Network by Gloria Copeland & Pastor George Pearsons from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, Texas.
For the next few weeks I'll be posting on 100 Lessons on Prosperity.
So without Further Delay:
Lesson 1: God Wants Us to Prosper
“He will spend his days in prosperity and his descendants will inherit the land.”
(Psalm 25:13, NIV)
A. 3 John 2:
1. “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as
thy soul prospereth.”
2. AMP: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way….”
B. Psalm 35:27: “Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea,
let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity
of his servant.”
C. Deuteronomy 8:18: “Thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is He that giveth thee the
power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it
is this day.”
D. 2 Chronicles 16:9: “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to
show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him….”
E. Proverbs 10:22: “The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it.”
F. Philippians 4:19:
1. “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by
Christ Jesus.”
2. AMP: “And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need
according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
G. God has a covenant determination to prosper us. Our responsibility is to believe it and
receive it.
H. True prosperity is the ability to use God’s power to meet the needs of mankind in every
realm of life—spirit, soul, body, financially, emotionally, etc.
Yours in Success...
God bless..
Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley
"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling
“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley
"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22
Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz
Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012
Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley
Join me in Fasting From Wrong Thinking this year!
Claim your FREE gift (FREE advertising FOR YOU) just for visiting this blog!
For the next few weeks I'll be posting on 100 Lessons on Prosperity.
So without Further Delay:
Lesson 1: God Wants Us to Prosper
“He will spend his days in prosperity and his descendants will inherit the land.”
(Psalm 25:13, NIV)
A. 3 John 2:
1. “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as
thy soul prospereth.”
2. AMP: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way….”
B. Psalm 35:27: “Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea,
let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity
of his servant.”
C. Deuteronomy 8:18: “Thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is He that giveth thee the
power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it
is this day.”
D. 2 Chronicles 16:9: “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to
show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him….”
E. Proverbs 10:22: “The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it.”
F. Philippians 4:19:
1. “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by
Christ Jesus.”
2. AMP: “And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need
according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
G. God has a covenant determination to prosper us. Our responsibility is to believe it and
receive it.
H. True prosperity is the ability to use God’s power to meet the needs of mankind in every
realm of life—spirit, soul, body, financially, emotionally, etc.
Yours in Success...
God bless..
Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley
"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling
“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley
"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22
Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz
Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012
Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley
Join me in Fasting From Wrong Thinking this year!
Claim your FREE gift (FREE advertising FOR YOU) just for visiting this blog!
Saturday, 23 March 2013
10 Week Study on Wealth Transfer - Week 10: The Hundredfold Wealth Transfer
This week I'm concluding the True Prosperity study/wealth seminar as taught on the Believer's Voice of Victory program on Trinity Broadcasting Network by Gloria Copeland & Pastor George Pearsons from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, Texas.
Starting on Monday, March 25, 2013 I'll be posting 3 times a week on 100 Lessons on Prosperity. Be sure to join me on this Prosperity journey.
Now let's conclude our 10 week study on wealth transfer.
So without Further Delay:
The Hundredfold Wealth Transfer
A. Financial Inversion Shall Increase in These Days
Word from the Lord through Charles Capps, February 1, 1978
1. “Financial inversion shall increase in these days. For you see, it is My desire to move
in the realm of your financial prosperity. But, release Me, saith the Lord, release Me
that I may come in your behalf and move on your behalf.
2. “For yes, yes, yes, there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there. The
economy shall go up and it will go down; but those who learn to walk in the Word,
they shall see the prosperity of the Word come forth in this hour in a way that has not
been seen by men in days past.
3. “Yes, there is coming a financial inversion in the world’s system. It has been held in
reservoirs of wicked men for days on end. But the end is nigh. Those reservoirs shall
be tapped and shall be drained into the gospel of Jesus Christ. It shall be done, saith
the Lord.”
a. A place where anything is collected in great amount
b. A large or extra supply or stock; a reserve
4. “It shall be done in the time allotted and so shall it be that the word of the Lord shall
come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
5. “Predominantly in two ways shall it be done in this hour:
a. “Those who have hoarded up and stored because of the inspiration of the evil
one and held the money from the gospel shall be converted and drawn into
the Kingdom.
b. “But many, many will not. They’ll not heed the voice of the Word of God. They
will turn aside to this and they will turn to that and they will walk in their own
ways. But their ways will not work in this hour. It will dwindle and it will slip
away as though it were in bags with holes in them. It will go here and it will go
there and they will wonder why it is not working now. ‘It worked in days past,’
they will say.
6. “But it shall be, saith the Lord, that the word of the Lord shall rise within men—men
of God of low esteem in the financial world—that shall claim the Word of God to be
their very own and walk in the light of it as it has been set forth in the Word and give.
7. “They will begin to give small at first because that is all they have. But then it will
increase, and through the hundredfold return, so shall it be that the reservoirs that
have held the riches in days past, so shall it return to the hands of the giver. Because
of the hundredfold return shall the reservoirs be lost from the wicked and turned to
the gospel.
8. “For it shall be in this hour that you will see things that you have never dreamed
come to pass. Oh, it will be strong at first in ways. Then, it will grow greater and
greater until men will be astounded and the world will stand in awe because the ways
of men have failed and the ways of God shall come forth.”
B. Mark 10:28-30—The Hundredfold Return
Quotes from God’s Will Is Prosperity by Gloria Copeland
1. “Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all and have followed thee. And Jesus
answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or
brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake,
and the gospel’s, but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and
brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in
the world to come eternal life.”
2. “How great the hundredfold return is: give $1and receive 100!”
3. “Where in the natural world are you offered the return of 100 times your investment?”
a. “If you double your money, you do well.”
b. “If you receive 10 times your investment, it is a marvelous deal.”
c. “But who talks in terms of receiving 100 times your investment?”
4. “After I let what the Word offers us in the hundredfold return become a reality to
me, the Lord led me to continually give thanks for it every time I thought about it.”
a. “I would say, ‘Thank You, Father, for the hundredfold return offered in
Your Word.’”
b. “It is such a generous return and it belongs to me.”
5. “I would say any faith words of praise that came into my spirit in regard to
continually thanking God for the hundredfold return.”
a. “This thanksgiving kept my faith active and operative to receive.”
b. “Continually confessing the hundredfold return causes the seed of
Mark 10:29-30 to grow.”
C. Genesis 26:12-14—Transfer of Wealth to Isaac
1. Verses 12-14 (MSG): “Isaac planted crops in that land and took in a huge harvest. God
blessed him. The man got richer and richer by the day until he was very wealthy. He
accumulated flocks and herds and many, many servants, so much so that the Philistines
began to envy him.”
2. The Philistines envied him because their wealth was being transferred to Isaac.
3. “Through the hundredfold return, so shall it be that the reservoirs that have held
the riches in days past, so shall it return to the hands of the giver. Because of the
hundredfold return shall the reservoirs be lost from the wicked and turned to the
gospel.” —From God’s Will Is Prosperity by Gloria Copeland
4. Continually confess, “The hundredfold return is working for me.”
5. Then, believe for and receive a continual flow of the wealth of the world being
transferred into your life.
“Under the curse, you diminish. Things flow away from you.
Under THE BLESSING, you increase. Things flow into you.”
—Gloria Copeland
Yours in Success...
God bless..
Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley
"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling
“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley
"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22
Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz
Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012
Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley
Join me in Fasting From Wrong Thinking this year!
Claim your FREE gift (FREE advertising FOR YOU) just for visiting this blog!
Starting on Monday, March 25, 2013 I'll be posting 3 times a week on 100 Lessons on Prosperity. Be sure to join me on this Prosperity journey.
Now let's conclude our 10 week study on wealth transfer.
So without Further Delay:
The Hundredfold Wealth Transfer
A. Financial Inversion Shall Increase in These Days
Word from the Lord through Charles Capps, February 1, 1978
1. “Financial inversion shall increase in these days. For you see, it is My desire to move
in the realm of your financial prosperity. But, release Me, saith the Lord, release Me
that I may come in your behalf and move on your behalf.
2. “For yes, yes, yes, there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there. The
economy shall go up and it will go down; but those who learn to walk in the Word,
they shall see the prosperity of the Word come forth in this hour in a way that has not
been seen by men in days past.
3. “Yes, there is coming a financial inversion in the world’s system. It has been held in
reservoirs of wicked men for days on end. But the end is nigh. Those reservoirs shall
be tapped and shall be drained into the gospel of Jesus Christ. It shall be done, saith
the Lord.”
a. A place where anything is collected in great amount
b. A large or extra supply or stock; a reserve
4. “It shall be done in the time allotted and so shall it be that the word of the Lord shall
come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
5. “Predominantly in two ways shall it be done in this hour:
a. “Those who have hoarded up and stored because of the inspiration of the evil
one and held the money from the gospel shall be converted and drawn into
the Kingdom.
b. “But many, many will not. They’ll not heed the voice of the Word of God. They
will turn aside to this and they will turn to that and they will walk in their own
ways. But their ways will not work in this hour. It will dwindle and it will slip
away as though it were in bags with holes in them. It will go here and it will go
there and they will wonder why it is not working now. ‘It worked in days past,’
they will say.
6. “But it shall be, saith the Lord, that the word of the Lord shall rise within men—men
of God of low esteem in the financial world—that shall claim the Word of God to be
their very own and walk in the light of it as it has been set forth in the Word and give.
7. “They will begin to give small at first because that is all they have. But then it will
increase, and through the hundredfold return, so shall it be that the reservoirs that
have held the riches in days past, so shall it return to the hands of the giver. Because
of the hundredfold return shall the reservoirs be lost from the wicked and turned to
the gospel.
8. “For it shall be in this hour that you will see things that you have never dreamed
come to pass. Oh, it will be strong at first in ways. Then, it will grow greater and
greater until men will be astounded and the world will stand in awe because the ways
of men have failed and the ways of God shall come forth.”
B. Mark 10:28-30—The Hundredfold Return
Quotes from God’s Will Is Prosperity by Gloria Copeland
1. “Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all and have followed thee. And Jesus
answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or
brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake,
and the gospel’s, but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and
brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in
the world to come eternal life.”
2. “How great the hundredfold return is: give $1and receive 100!”
3. “Where in the natural world are you offered the return of 100 times your investment?”
a. “If you double your money, you do well.”
b. “If you receive 10 times your investment, it is a marvelous deal.”
c. “But who talks in terms of receiving 100 times your investment?”
4. “After I let what the Word offers us in the hundredfold return become a reality to
me, the Lord led me to continually give thanks for it every time I thought about it.”
a. “I would say, ‘Thank You, Father, for the hundredfold return offered in
Your Word.’”
b. “It is such a generous return and it belongs to me.”
5. “I would say any faith words of praise that came into my spirit in regard to
continually thanking God for the hundredfold return.”
a. “This thanksgiving kept my faith active and operative to receive.”
b. “Continually confessing the hundredfold return causes the seed of
Mark 10:29-30 to grow.”
C. Genesis 26:12-14—Transfer of Wealth to Isaac
1. Verses 12-14 (MSG): “Isaac planted crops in that land and took in a huge harvest. God
blessed him. The man got richer and richer by the day until he was very wealthy. He
accumulated flocks and herds and many, many servants, so much so that the Philistines
began to envy him.”
2. The Philistines envied him because their wealth was being transferred to Isaac.
3. “Through the hundredfold return, so shall it be that the reservoirs that have held
the riches in days past, so shall it return to the hands of the giver. Because of the
hundredfold return shall the reservoirs be lost from the wicked and turned to the
gospel.” —From God’s Will Is Prosperity by Gloria Copeland
4. Continually confess, “The hundredfold return is working for me.”
5. Then, believe for and receive a continual flow of the wealth of the world being
transferred into your life.
“Under the curse, you diminish. Things flow away from you.
Under THE BLESSING, you increase. Things flow into you.”
—Gloria Copeland
Yours in Success...
God bless..
Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley
"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling
“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley
"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22
Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz
Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012
Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley
Join me in Fasting From Wrong Thinking this year!
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Saturday, 16 March 2013
10 Week Study on Wealth Transfer - Week 9: End Time Wealth Transfer
This week I'm continuing on the True Prosperity study/wealth seminar as taught on the Believer's Voice of Victory program on Trinity Broadcasting Network by Gloria Copeland & Pastor George Pearsons from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, Texas.
For the next few weeks I'll be posting on Supernatural Wealth Transfer.
So without Further Delay:
End Time Wealth Transfer
A. Financial Inversion Shall Increase in These Days
Word from the Lord through Charles Capps, February 1, 1978
1. “Financial inversion shall increase in these days. For you see, it is My desire to move
in the realm of your financial prosperity. But, release Me, saith the Lord, release Me
that I may come on your behalf and move on your behalf.
2. “For yes, yes, yes, there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there. The
economy shall go up and it will go down; but those who learn to walk in the Word,
they shall see the prosperity of the Word come forth in this hour in a way that has not
been seen by men in days past.
3. “Yes, there is coming a financial inversion in the world’s system. It has been held in
reservoirs of wicked men for days on end. But the end is nigh. Those reservoirs shall
be tapped and shall be drained into the gospel of Jesus Christ. It shall be done, saith
the Lord.”
a. A place where anything is collected in great amount
b. A large or extra supply or stock; a reserve
4. “It shall be done in the time allotted and so shall it be that the word of the Lord shall
come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
5. “Predominantly in two ways shall it be done in this hour:
a. “Those who have hoarded up and stored because of the inspiration of the evil
one and held the money from the gospel shall be converted and drawn into
the Kingdom.
b. “But many, many will not. They’ll not heed the voice of the word of God. They
will turn aside to this and they will turn to that and they will walk in their own
ways. But their ways will not work in this hour. It will dwindle and it will slip
away as though it were in bags with holes in them. It will go here and it will go
there and they will wonder why it is not working now. ‘It worked in days past,’
they will say.”
B. The Final Stage of Wealth Transfer
Word from the Lord through Kenneth Copeland, Branson Victory Campaign, March 8, 2012
“Now, this generation of people, the time in which you and I live, we are living in the most
important time in God’s schedule and what He has planned. You and I are living in “the”
most important moment of time since the Day of Pentecost. Two thousand years of heaven
going toward one specific event which is the catching away of the Body of Christ and
glorification of His people. And, we are in it.
“Thank God for that early Church. Thank God for all of the great things that God has done
over all this whole period of time. But, glory to God, we get to get in on it right here. This
is the blowout! Do you understand?
“And I will give you a little bit of a preview here.
“Everything that Satan has accumulated in the way of property, wealth, influence—anything
in this entire planet that he has his hands on and under his control, he stole it!
“Now, up until the ministry of Jesus on the earth from the time Adam committed treason
before God—from that time until Jesus came into the earth, there were things that Satan did
and accumulated. He did not have to steal because it had been put into his hands. And what
he did and what he had, he got from Adam. Adam gave it to him. Don’t you remember when
Satan said to Jesus, ‘Look at all of the kingdoms of this world. Bow down before me and I will
give them to you. They have been given to me and I give it to whomsoever I will.’ ‘Now,
Brother Copeland, he’s [the devil is] a liar....’
“But, Jesus got it back! He took from him everything that he had taken from Adam. He took
it back!
“The largest, most significant transfer of property, goods, wealth and people from the hands
of the devil into the hands of God’s people that are prepared to receive it—I am telling you
the biggest transfer of property in the history of mankind has just begun and it is swinging has moved over into its final stage, saith The LORD.
“And those who will listen to Me and follow Me and trust Me—those who I have taught My
WORD and have given the authority to walk in these things, it is the most outstanding thing
that human eyes have ever seen. And the time is now. Your time has come. Your hour has
come. So rise and do those things by faith that you know to do and all that belongs to heaven
will come into your hands for your joy.”
C. James 5:1-8—You Have Heaped Treasure Together for the Last Days
Quotes from Supernatural Wealth Transfer by Bill Winston
1. “[God is] restoring the earth back into the hands of its rightful owners, as well as
restoring the power or Blessing to govern it. Because of Adam’s sin, the earth was
not in the hands of God’s family. Now, God is working His redemptive plan to get it
all back...what I refer to as a supernatural transfer of wealth.
2. “As we get closer to our Lord’s return, there is an invasion of the kingdom of heaven
into this world—the imposing of God’s will on the plans of the devil. Earthly systems,
laws, rules, policies and values must now come in line with Heaven’s order or Heaven’s
Government, the Government of the Kingdom of God. Psalm 103:19 (ESV)... His
kingdom rules over all.
3. “One of the major things coming in this hour is an explosion of wealth in the Body
of Christ. Through divine favor, witty inventions and the grace of giving, we are at
the season of the greatest wealth transfer in the history of this planet. There will be
inventions that make the iPhone© seem like child’s play.
4. “This is a prophetic time in history, the same as the “set-time” that triggered the
release of the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage. This is a season when,
what happened then is happening now. It is a set-time or a season which is the
consummation of something pledged or promised by God. The reservoirs of the
wicked will now be drained, and as the Babylonian system of the world fails, the
system of the Kingdom of God will prevail.
5. “We are even going to see money supernaturally transfer into the bank accounts of the
people of God. Why the transfer of wealth? Mainly for the advancing of the kingdom
and bringing in the end-time harvest of souls. God needs the wealth in our hands to
fulfill the call that is on our lives for this generation—to reclaim what Jesus redeemed.”
D. Isaiah 53:12: “Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the
spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered
with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.”
Yours in Success...
God bless..
Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley
"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling
“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley
"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22
Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz
Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012
Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley
Join me in Fasting From Wrong Thinking this year!
Claim your FREE gift (FREE advertising FOR YOU) just for visiting this blog!
For the next few weeks I'll be posting on Supernatural Wealth Transfer.
So without Further Delay:
End Time Wealth Transfer
A. Financial Inversion Shall Increase in These Days
Word from the Lord through Charles Capps, February 1, 1978
1. “Financial inversion shall increase in these days. For you see, it is My desire to move
in the realm of your financial prosperity. But, release Me, saith the Lord, release Me
that I may come on your behalf and move on your behalf.
2. “For yes, yes, yes, there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there. The
economy shall go up and it will go down; but those who learn to walk in the Word,
they shall see the prosperity of the Word come forth in this hour in a way that has not
been seen by men in days past.
3. “Yes, there is coming a financial inversion in the world’s system. It has been held in
reservoirs of wicked men for days on end. But the end is nigh. Those reservoirs shall
be tapped and shall be drained into the gospel of Jesus Christ. It shall be done, saith
the Lord.”
a. A place where anything is collected in great amount
b. A large or extra supply or stock; a reserve
4. “It shall be done in the time allotted and so shall it be that the word of the Lord shall
come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
5. “Predominantly in two ways shall it be done in this hour:
a. “Those who have hoarded up and stored because of the inspiration of the evil
one and held the money from the gospel shall be converted and drawn into
the Kingdom.
b. “But many, many will not. They’ll not heed the voice of the word of God. They
will turn aside to this and they will turn to that and they will walk in their own
ways. But their ways will not work in this hour. It will dwindle and it will slip
away as though it were in bags with holes in them. It will go here and it will go
there and they will wonder why it is not working now. ‘It worked in days past,’
they will say.”
B. The Final Stage of Wealth Transfer
Word from the Lord through Kenneth Copeland, Branson Victory Campaign, March 8, 2012
“Now, this generation of people, the time in which you and I live, we are living in the most
important time in God’s schedule and what He has planned. You and I are living in “the”
most important moment of time since the Day of Pentecost. Two thousand years of heaven
going toward one specific event which is the catching away of the Body of Christ and
glorification of His people. And, we are in it.
“Thank God for that early Church. Thank God for all of the great things that God has done
over all this whole period of time. But, glory to God, we get to get in on it right here. This
is the blowout! Do you understand?
“And I will give you a little bit of a preview here.
“Everything that Satan has accumulated in the way of property, wealth, influence—anything
in this entire planet that he has his hands on and under his control, he stole it!
“Now, up until the ministry of Jesus on the earth from the time Adam committed treason
before God—from that time until Jesus came into the earth, there were things that Satan did
and accumulated. He did not have to steal because it had been put into his hands. And what
he did and what he had, he got from Adam. Adam gave it to him. Don’t you remember when
Satan said to Jesus, ‘Look at all of the kingdoms of this world. Bow down before me and I will
give them to you. They have been given to me and I give it to whomsoever I will.’ ‘Now,
Brother Copeland, he’s [the devil is] a liar....’
“But, Jesus got it back! He took from him everything that he had taken from Adam. He took
it back!
“The largest, most significant transfer of property, goods, wealth and people from the hands
of the devil into the hands of God’s people that are prepared to receive it—I am telling you
the biggest transfer of property in the history of mankind has just begun and it is swinging has moved over into its final stage, saith The LORD.
“And those who will listen to Me and follow Me and trust Me—those who I have taught My
WORD and have given the authority to walk in these things, it is the most outstanding thing
that human eyes have ever seen. And the time is now. Your time has come. Your hour has
come. So rise and do those things by faith that you know to do and all that belongs to heaven
will come into your hands for your joy.”
C. James 5:1-8—You Have Heaped Treasure Together for the Last Days
Quotes from Supernatural Wealth Transfer by Bill Winston
1. “[God is] restoring the earth back into the hands of its rightful owners, as well as
restoring the power or Blessing to govern it. Because of Adam’s sin, the earth was
not in the hands of God’s family. Now, God is working His redemptive plan to get it
all back...what I refer to as a supernatural transfer of wealth.
2. “As we get closer to our Lord’s return, there is an invasion of the kingdom of heaven
into this world—the imposing of God’s will on the plans of the devil. Earthly systems,
laws, rules, policies and values must now come in line with Heaven’s order or Heaven’s
Government, the Government of the Kingdom of God. Psalm 103:19 (ESV)... His
kingdom rules over all.
3. “One of the major things coming in this hour is an explosion of wealth in the Body
of Christ. Through divine favor, witty inventions and the grace of giving, we are at
the season of the greatest wealth transfer in the history of this planet. There will be
inventions that make the iPhone© seem like child’s play.
4. “This is a prophetic time in history, the same as the “set-time” that triggered the
release of the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage. This is a season when,
what happened then is happening now. It is a set-time or a season which is the
consummation of something pledged or promised by God. The reservoirs of the
wicked will now be drained, and as the Babylonian system of the world fails, the
system of the Kingdom of God will prevail.
5. “We are even going to see money supernaturally transfer into the bank accounts of the
people of God. Why the transfer of wealth? Mainly for the advancing of the kingdom
and bringing in the end-time harvest of souls. God needs the wealth in our hands to
fulfill the call that is on our lives for this generation—to reclaim what Jesus redeemed.”
D. Isaiah 53:12: “Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the
spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered
with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.”
Yours in Success...
God bless..
Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley
"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling
“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley
"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22
Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz
Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012
Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley
Join me in Fasting From Wrong Thinking this year!
Claim your FREE gift (FREE advertising FOR YOU) just for visiting this blog!
Saturday, 9 March 2013
10 Week Study on Wealth Transfer - Week 8: Two Ways of Wealth Transfer
This week I'm continuing on the True Prosperity study/wealth seminar as taught on the Believer's Voice of Victory program on Trinity Broadcasting Network by Gloria Copeland & Pastor George Pearsons from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, Texas.
For the next few weeks I'll be posting on Supernatural Wealth Transfer.
So without Further Delay:
Two Ways of Wealth Transfer
A. Financial Inversion Shall Increase in These Days
Word from the Lord through Charles Capps, February 1, 1978
1. “Financial inversion shall increase in these days. For you see, it is My desire to move
in the realm of your financial prosperity. But, release Me, saith the Lord, release Me
that I may come in your behalf and move on your behalf.
2. “For yes, yes, yes, there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there. The
economy shall go up and it will go down; but those who learn to walk in the Word,
they shall see the prosperity of the Word come forth in this hour in a way that has not
been seen by men in days past.
3. “Yes, there is coming a financial inversion in the world’s system. It has been held in
reservoirs of wicked men for days on end. But the end is nigh. Those reservoirs shall
be tapped and shall be drained into the gospel of Jesus Christ. It shall be done, saith
the Lord.”
a. A place where anything is collected in great amount
b. A large or extra supply or stock; a reserve
4. “It shall be done in the time allotted and so shall it be that the word of the Lord shall
come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
5. “Predominantly in two ways shall it be done in this hour:
a. “Those who have hoarded up and stored because of the inspiration of the evil
one and held the money from the gospel shall be converted and drawn into
the Kingdom.
b. “But many, many will not. They’ll not heed the voice of the Word of God. They
will turn aside to this and they will turn to that and they will walk in their own
ways. But their ways will not work in this hour. It will dwindle and it will slip
away as though it were in bags with holes in them. It will go here and it will go
there and they will wonder why it is not working now. ‘It worked in days past,’
they will say.”
B. Luke 19:1-10 (NIV)—The Conversion of Zacchaeus
1. Verses 1-2: “Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. A man was there by the
name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy.”
2. Verses 3-4: “He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not
see over the crowd. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since
Jesus was coming that way.”
3. Verses 5-6: “When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, ‘Zacchaeus,
come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.’ So he came down at once
and welcomed him gladly.”
4. Verses 7-8: “All the people saw this and began to mutter, ‘He has gone to be the guest
of a sinner.’ But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, ‘Look, Lord! Here and now
I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of
anything, I will pay back four times the amount.’”
5. Verses 9-10: “Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house, because this
man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.’”
C. Luke 12:13-21—A Rich Man’s Wealth Transferred
1. Verses 13-14: “And one of the company said unto him, Master, speak to my brother,
that he divide the inheritance with me. And he said unto him, Man, who made me a
judge or a divider over you?”
2. Verse 15: “And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s
life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.”
3. Verses 16-17: “And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich
man brought forth plentifully: And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do,
because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?”
4. Verses 18-19: “And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater;
and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou
hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.”
5. Verses 20-21: “But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required
of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth
up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”
a. NIV: “Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?”
b. Psalm 39:6 (NIV-84): “He heaps up wealth, not knowing who will get it.”
c. Isaiah 10:1-3 (NIV): “Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue
oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice
from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the
fatherless. What will you do on the day of reckoning, when disaster comes from
afar? To whom will you run for help? Where will you leave your riches?”
d. Proverbs 13:22: “The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.”
e. Jeremiah 17:11: “As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so
he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his
days, and at his end shall be a fool.”
D. 1 Timothy 6:9-10, 17-18—Surviving the Wealth
1. Verses 9-10: “But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many
foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of
money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the
faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
2. Verses 17-18: “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded,
nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to
enjoy; that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing
to communicate.”
3. We must be taught and trained how to handle wealth—or it will handle us.
4. We survive the wealth by:
a. Tithing
b. Sowing
c. Obeying
d. Serving
5. We must develop our “wealthability” (new word by Gloria Copeland).
Yours in Success...
God bless..
Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley
"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling
“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley
"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22
Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz
Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley
Join me in Fasting From Wrong Thinking this year!
Claim your FREE gift (FREE advertising FOR YOU) just for visiting this blog!
For the next few weeks I'll be posting on Supernatural Wealth Transfer.
So without Further Delay:
Two Ways of Wealth Transfer
A. Financial Inversion Shall Increase in These Days
Word from the Lord through Charles Capps, February 1, 1978
1. “Financial inversion shall increase in these days. For you see, it is My desire to move
in the realm of your financial prosperity. But, release Me, saith the Lord, release Me
that I may come in your behalf and move on your behalf.
2. “For yes, yes, yes, there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there. The
economy shall go up and it will go down; but those who learn to walk in the Word,
they shall see the prosperity of the Word come forth in this hour in a way that has not
been seen by men in days past.
3. “Yes, there is coming a financial inversion in the world’s system. It has been held in
reservoirs of wicked men for days on end. But the end is nigh. Those reservoirs shall
be tapped and shall be drained into the gospel of Jesus Christ. It shall be done, saith
the Lord.”
a. A place where anything is collected in great amount
b. A large or extra supply or stock; a reserve
4. “It shall be done in the time allotted and so shall it be that the word of the Lord shall
come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
5. “Predominantly in two ways shall it be done in this hour:
a. “Those who have hoarded up and stored because of the inspiration of the evil
one and held the money from the gospel shall be converted and drawn into
the Kingdom.
b. “But many, many will not. They’ll not heed the voice of the Word of God. They
will turn aside to this and they will turn to that and they will walk in their own
ways. But their ways will not work in this hour. It will dwindle and it will slip
away as though it were in bags with holes in them. It will go here and it will go
there and they will wonder why it is not working now. ‘It worked in days past,’
they will say.”
B. Luke 19:1-10 (NIV)—The Conversion of Zacchaeus
1. Verses 1-2: “Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. A man was there by the
name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy.”
2. Verses 3-4: “He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not
see over the crowd. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since
Jesus was coming that way.”
3. Verses 5-6: “When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, ‘Zacchaeus,
come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.’ So he came down at once
and welcomed him gladly.”
4. Verses 7-8: “All the people saw this and began to mutter, ‘He has gone to be the guest
of a sinner.’ But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, ‘Look, Lord! Here and now
I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of
anything, I will pay back four times the amount.’”
5. Verses 9-10: “Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house, because this
man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.’”
C. Luke 12:13-21—A Rich Man’s Wealth Transferred
1. Verses 13-14: “And one of the company said unto him, Master, speak to my brother,
that he divide the inheritance with me. And he said unto him, Man, who made me a
judge or a divider over you?”
2. Verse 15: “And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s
life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.”
3. Verses 16-17: “And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich
man brought forth plentifully: And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do,
because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?”
4. Verses 18-19: “And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater;
and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou
hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.”
5. Verses 20-21: “But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required
of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth
up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”
a. NIV: “Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?”
b. Psalm 39:6 (NIV-84): “He heaps up wealth, not knowing who will get it.”
c. Isaiah 10:1-3 (NIV): “Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue
oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice
from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the
fatherless. What will you do on the day of reckoning, when disaster comes from
afar? To whom will you run for help? Where will you leave your riches?”
d. Proverbs 13:22: “The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.”
e. Jeremiah 17:11: “As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so
he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his
days, and at his end shall be a fool.”
D. 1 Timothy 6:9-10, 17-18—Surviving the Wealth
1. Verses 9-10: “But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many
foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of
money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the
faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
2. Verses 17-18: “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded,
nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to
enjoy; that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing
to communicate.”
3. We must be taught and trained how to handle wealth—or it will handle us.
4. We survive the wealth by:
a. Tithing
b. Sowing
c. Obeying
d. Serving
5. We must develop our “wealthability” (new word by Gloria Copeland).
Yours in Success...
God bless..
Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley
"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling
“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley
"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22
Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz
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Saturday, 2 March 2013
10 Week Study on Wealth Transfer - Week 7: Transfer From the Enemy’s Camp
This week I'm continuing on the True Prosperity study/wealth seminar as taught on the Believer's Voice of Victory program on Trinity Broadcasting Network by Gloria Copeland & Pastor George Pearsons from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, Texas.
For the next few weeks I'll be posting on Supernatural Wealth Transfer.
So without Further Delay:
Transfer From the Enemy’s Camp
A. Financial Inversion Shall Increase in These Days
Word from the Lord through Charles Capps, February 1, 1978
1. “Financial inversion shall increase in these days. For you see, it is My desire to move
in the realm of your financial prosperity. But, release Me, saith the Lord, release Me
that I may come in your behalf and move on your behalf.
2. “For yes, yes, yes, there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there. The
economy shall go up and it will go down; but those who learn to walk in the Word,
they shall see the prosperity of the Word come forth in this hour in a way that has not
been seen by men in days past.
3. “Yes, there is coming a financial inversion in the world’s system. It has been held in
reservoirs of wicked men for days on end. But the end is nigh.
4. “Those reservoirs shall be tapped and shall be drained into the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It shall be done, saith the Lord.”
a. A place where anything is collected in great amount
b. A large or extra supply or stock; a reserve
5. “It shall be done in the time allotted and so shall it be that the word of the Lord shall
come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.”
B. 2 Kings 7:3-8—Wealth Transfer From the Enemy’s Camp
1. Verses 3-4—The lepers decided to go to the Syrian camp.
2. Verse 5—No one was there.
3. Verse 6—The Lord created the noise of chariots.
4. Verse 7—The Syrians left everything in the camp.
5. Verse 8—The lepers ate, drank and took the gold, silver and clothes.
C. Confusion in the World of the Wicked
1. Word from the Lord through Charles Capps:
“So shall it be as it was in that day [speaking about the lepers in 2 Kings 7] that
confusion shall come to the world of the wicked. For they have sought their own
ways and have walked in their own purposes. They have gained and hoarded up and
kept from the gospel that with which they have prospered.
“But, in the days to come, the days are changing and the ways are changing.
“It shall be so that confusion shall be on every hand. The monetary system shall be
disturbed. Men shall look here and shall look there looking for an answer. But they
shall not find it.
“So shall it be that in these that have come and spoiled the camp, shall the men in this
day walk in the midst of confusions that shall be in the day in which you live. They
shall believe for and receive the direction of the Lord. They shall flee their
possessions. They shall flee it—drop it here and drop it there because they hear of
that which is coming like the Syrians that fled from that camp who left their goods.
“They will release it and they will let it go.
“But as the Christians pick it up, it will not be so. [The Christians won’t be confused.]
Then, it will flourish and it will prosper.”
2. “When there is confusion all around, there is clarity in the life of the believer.”
—Gloria Copeland
3. “We will pick up opportunities the world has missed because of all the confusion.”
—Gloria Copeland
4. “It will come to pass that you will see the Word of the Lord at work. And the power
of God will be set in the earth in a day in which men will stand in awe. For the wealth
of the sinner is laid up for the just. It is time, says the Lord, that it finds its way into
the hands of the just. And so shall the gospel be preached throughout the land.
“Walk in My precepts. For you shall hear with the ear a little at a time. And, I will
reveal a little at a time. So shall you know that day that it will come. So, walk in My
precepts and it will be done.” —From The Kingdom of God—Days of Heaven on
Earth by Gloria Copeland
D. 2 Chronicles 20:25-26 (AMP): “When Jehoshaphat and his people came to take the spoil,
they found among them much cattle, goods, garments, and precious things which they took
for themselves, more than they could carry away, so much they were three days in gathering
the spoil. On the fourth day they assembled in the Valley of Beracah. There they blessed the
Lord. So the name of the place is still called the Valley of Beracah [blessing].”
Yours in Success...
God bless..
Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley
"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling
“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley
"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22
Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz
Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley
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For the next few weeks I'll be posting on Supernatural Wealth Transfer.
So without Further Delay:
Transfer From the Enemy’s Camp
A. Financial Inversion Shall Increase in These Days
Word from the Lord through Charles Capps, February 1, 1978
1. “Financial inversion shall increase in these days. For you see, it is My desire to move
in the realm of your financial prosperity. But, release Me, saith the Lord, release Me
that I may come in your behalf and move on your behalf.
2. “For yes, yes, yes, there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there. The
economy shall go up and it will go down; but those who learn to walk in the Word,
they shall see the prosperity of the Word come forth in this hour in a way that has not
been seen by men in days past.
3. “Yes, there is coming a financial inversion in the world’s system. It has been held in
reservoirs of wicked men for days on end. But the end is nigh.
4. “Those reservoirs shall be tapped and shall be drained into the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It shall be done, saith the Lord.”
a. A place where anything is collected in great amount
b. A large or extra supply or stock; a reserve
5. “It shall be done in the time allotted and so shall it be that the word of the Lord shall
come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.”
B. 2 Kings 7:3-8—Wealth Transfer From the Enemy’s Camp
1. Verses 3-4—The lepers decided to go to the Syrian camp.
2. Verse 5—No one was there.
3. Verse 6—The Lord created the noise of chariots.
4. Verse 7—The Syrians left everything in the camp.
5. Verse 8—The lepers ate, drank and took the gold, silver and clothes.
C. Confusion in the World of the Wicked
1. Word from the Lord through Charles Capps:
“So shall it be as it was in that day [speaking about the lepers in 2 Kings 7] that
confusion shall come to the world of the wicked. For they have sought their own
ways and have walked in their own purposes. They have gained and hoarded up and
kept from the gospel that with which they have prospered.
“But, in the days to come, the days are changing and the ways are changing.
“It shall be so that confusion shall be on every hand. The monetary system shall be
disturbed. Men shall look here and shall look there looking for an answer. But they
shall not find it.
“So shall it be that in these that have come and spoiled the camp, shall the men in this
day walk in the midst of confusions that shall be in the day in which you live. They
shall believe for and receive the direction of the Lord. They shall flee their
possessions. They shall flee it—drop it here and drop it there because they hear of
that which is coming like the Syrians that fled from that camp who left their goods.
“They will release it and they will let it go.
“But as the Christians pick it up, it will not be so. [The Christians won’t be confused.]
Then, it will flourish and it will prosper.”
2. “When there is confusion all around, there is clarity in the life of the believer.”
—Gloria Copeland
3. “We will pick up opportunities the world has missed because of all the confusion.”
—Gloria Copeland
4. “It will come to pass that you will see the Word of the Lord at work. And the power
of God will be set in the earth in a day in which men will stand in awe. For the wealth
of the sinner is laid up for the just. It is time, says the Lord, that it finds its way into
the hands of the just. And so shall the gospel be preached throughout the land.
“Walk in My precepts. For you shall hear with the ear a little at a time. And, I will
reveal a little at a time. So shall you know that day that it will come. So, walk in My
precepts and it will be done.” —From The Kingdom of God—Days of Heaven on
Earth by Gloria Copeland
D. 2 Chronicles 20:25-26 (AMP): “When Jehoshaphat and his people came to take the spoil,
they found among them much cattle, goods, garments, and precious things which they took
for themselves, more than they could carry away, so much they were three days in gathering
the spoil. On the fourth day they assembled in the Valley of Beracah. There they blessed the
Lord. So the name of the place is still called the Valley of Beracah [blessing].”
Yours in Success...
God bless..
Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley
"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling
“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley
"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22
Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz
Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley
Join me in Fasting From Wrong Thinking this year!
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