After a short delay, I am back to continue two 40 week studies: a 40 week fast (originally a 40 day fast that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The fast was started by Pastor Gregory Dickow, from Life Changers International Church in Chicago, IL, and a 40 week study (originally a 40 day study that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The study was started by Pastor George Pearsons, from Eagle Mountain International Church in Forth, Worth, Tx.
I have combined both these studies as I don't often have time to post on this blog more than once a week. So for the second week I'm sharing both the 40 week fast as well as the 40 week study on prosperity.
Here we go with the fast:
"Prosperity is defined by our financial status."
As we continue to fast from wrong thinking, we are focusing on financial freedom - which of course starts in our thinking. Proverbs 23:7 says, "As a man thinks within, so is he."
God has called me to help RE-DEFINE prosperity. So, today we are going to continue to fast from the thought that says, "Prosperity is defined by our financial status."
Let's change it today:
1. True Prosperity will change my financial status; but is not defined by my financial status. 3 John 2 says, "Beloved I wish you to prosper and be in health, EVEN AS YOUR SOUL PROSPERS." As your soul prospers, it improves everything in your life.
2. True Prosperity is defined by: Soul Prosperity. When your soul is filled with God and His Word, it affects EVERYTHING YOU PUT YOUR HAND TO, including your finances. (Psalm 1:1-3, Joshua 1:7-8)
3. True Prosperity is defined by: the Presence of God in your life. Remember, Joseph was defined as prosperous, BECAUSE THE LORD WAS WITH HIM. (Genesis 39:2).
4. True Prosperity is defined by: The power of answered prayer. John 15:7 says if "God's Word abides in us, we can ask WHATEVER we wish, and it will be done for us."
5. True Prosperity is defined by: Grace and righteousness. Romans 5:17 says in the Amplified version, "Through the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, we reign as kings in this life."
6. True Prosperity is defined by: Seeking first the kingdom of God. Matthew 6:33 says, "...and all these things will be added to you". Put God first in your thoughts, your money, your priorities-and God will supply!
Think It & Say It:
I live in Re-defined Prosperity and will not be defined by my financial status. True prosperity will change my financial status; but it starts in my soul. I am filled with God's Word. I am filled with God's presence. I am filled with the power of answered prayer. I am filled with grace and righteousness. I am filled with the kingdom of God. I am a truly prosperous man or woman, in Jesus' Name!
Now on to the 40 week study on Prosperity:
Walking in the Fullness of The Blessing
A. Romans 15:29-The Fullness of The Blessing
1. (GNB): I shall come with a full measure of The Blessing.
2. Fullness = Greek word pleroma
3. To be filled up, full, complete, to be fully furnished and liberally supplied
a. Philippians 4:19 (AMP) "My God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
4. To fill to the top so that nothing is wanting; to fill to the brim so that nothing is lacking
a. Example of a ship fully manned with sailors, rowers and soldiers and fully loaded with supplies, freight and merchandise
5. Plethora-overabundance, excessive amount, superabundance
B. Genesis 1:27-28-A Quick Review of The Blessing
1. The very first words heard by a human ear, setting the course and precedent for God's perfect will for man
2. Man was empowered by The Blessing in order to:
a. Be fruitful
b. Multiply
c. Replenish the earth
d. Subdue the earth
e. Have dominion over the earth
3. The Garden of Eden was a perfect demonstration of God's plan for this planet. It was a prototype of what He wanted the planet to look like. Adam's job was to exercise his God-given authority and expand that Garden until it encompassed the entire earth. That was what The Blessing was for.
4. It provided Adam with the power to carry on the work God began at Creation. It equipped him with the divine resources he needed to follow God's example. He was to transform the uncultivated parts of this planet into a veritable Garden of Eden by speaking faith-filled words. The Blessing empowered Adam to be The Blessing wherever he went. The Garden of Eden was literally inside Adam.
5. Jesus came to restore The Blessing that was lost at the Fall.
a. Jesus is The Blessing-the last Adam.
b. Jesus-The Blessing-now is alive in us.
c. We have been redeemed from the curse and now walk in The Blessing of Abraham.
C. Galatians 3:13-14-Redeemed From the Curse to Walk in The Blessing
1. Redeem-to buy back, to buy out, to clear by payment
2. To free a person from captivity by paying a ransom
3. We have been freed from the curse of poverty.
a. Lack
b. Deficiency
c. Not enough
d. Shortage
4. We are redeemed from "paycheck-to-paycheck," just barely getting along.
5. Proverbs 10:22: "The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it."
D. Deuteronomy 28:1-14-Walking in the Fullness of The Blessing
1. Verse 2: All these blessings shall come on you and overtake you.
a. Brenton: All these blessings shall come upon you and shall find you
b. HEB = will reach you
2. Verse 8 (MSG): "God will order a blessing on your barns and workplaces..."
a. CEV: "The Lord your God is giving you the land, and He will make sure you are successful in everything you do..."
3. Verse 11 (MSG): "God will lavish you with good things.."
a. AMP: "The Lord shall make you have a surplus of prosperity..."
b. BBE: "The Lord will make you fertile in every good thing..."
c. REV: "The Lord will make you abound in prosperity..."
4. Verse 12 (MSG): "God will throw open the doors of His sky vaults and pour rain on your land on schedule and bless the work you take in hand. You will lend to many nations but you yourself won't have to take out a loan."
a. AMP: "The Lord shall open to you His good treasury..."
b. NLT: "The Lord will send rain at the proper time from His rich treasury in the heavens and will bless the work you do..."
c. Treasury in the Hebrew = depository, armory
d. BBE: He will open His storehouse in heaven.
e. CEP: "The Lord will open the storehouses of the skies."
5. I am walking in the fullness of The Blessing,
fully furnished and liberally supplied.
Filled to the top-nothing wanting.
Filled to the brim-nothing lacking.
My ship is full and overflowing.
The Blesing has come to me.
The Blessing has overtaken me.
I am walking in the superabundant,
exceeding excess, fullness of The Blessing.
So there you have it. I hope you are continuing to enjoy this combined 40 week study on financial freedom and peace and prosperity as much as I am continuing to enjoy sharing it with you.
God bless..
Ms. Jini
Monday, 26 September 2011
Sunday, 11 September 2011
40 Weeks of Financial Freedom & Peace & Prosperity: Week 4
For the past few weeks I've been undergoing two 40 week studies: a 40 week fast (originally a 40 day fast that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The fast was started by Pastor Gregory Dickow, from Life Changers International Church in Chicago, IL, and a 40 week study (originally a 40 day study that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The study was started by Pastor George Pearsons, from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, TX.
Starting this week I'll be combining both studies as I don't often have time to post on this blog more than once a week. So this week I'll be sharing both the 40 week fast as well as the 40 week study on prosperity.
Here we go with the fast:
"Things might not get better. They seem to be getting worse!"
This thinking is not an option today or EVER! No matter how bad things have gotten financially or in ANY AREA OF YOUR LIFE, God has promised that they will get better.
Let’s change it today:
1. The path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter until the full day (Proverbs 4:18).
2. God is the God of increase, not decrease. 1 Corinthians 3:6 says, “One plants, another waters, BUT GOD GIVES THE INCREASE.”
3. You have a covenant of increase from God. Psalm 115:14 says “May the Lord give you increase”. Deuteronomy 1:11 says, “May the Lord..increase you a thousand times and bless you as He has promised.”
4. Eliminate the ‘half empty glass’ mentality. In fact, don’t accept it half full either! Think: My cup runs over! (Psalm 23:4)
5. Your life is going to end up better than it started! Ecclesiastes 7:8 says, "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning." Haggai 2:9 says, "The latter days of this house shall be greater than the former."
6. EXPECT THE BEST TODAY! In Luke 15:22 the father said, "bring the best robe, and put it on my son..." You are God’s child. He wants the best for you. Believe for goodness and mercy to follow you all the days of your life.
No matter what is happening in this world, things are getting better and better for me! God has made me righteous through His blood; therefore, my path is getting brighter and brighter every day.
My inner man is being renewed, day by day. I have a covenant of increase and God is increasing me, and all that I have, more and more. I expect the best today. He has saved the best for last and therefore I expect my coming days to be better than my past days, in Jesus’ Name!
Now on to the 40 week study on Prosperity:
So there you have it. I hope you are enjoying this combined 40 week study on financial freedom and peace and prosperity as much as I am enjoying sharing it with you.
God bless..
Ms. Jini
Starting this week I'll be combining both studies as I don't often have time to post on this blog more than once a week. So this week I'll be sharing both the 40 week fast as well as the 40 week study on prosperity.
Here we go with the fast:
"Things might not get better. They seem to be getting worse!"
This thinking is not an option today or EVER! No matter how bad things have gotten financially or in ANY AREA OF YOUR LIFE, God has promised that they will get better.
Let’s change it today:
1. The path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter until the full day (Proverbs 4:18).
2. God is the God of increase, not decrease. 1 Corinthians 3:6 says, “One plants, another waters, BUT GOD GIVES THE INCREASE.”
3. You have a covenant of increase from God. Psalm 115:14 says “May the Lord give you increase”. Deuteronomy 1:11 says, “May the Lord..increase you a thousand times and bless you as He has promised.”
4. Eliminate the ‘half empty glass’ mentality. In fact, don’t accept it half full either! Think: My cup runs over! (Psalm 23:4)
5. Your life is going to end up better than it started! Ecclesiastes 7:8 says, "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning." Haggai 2:9 says, "The latter days of this house shall be greater than the former."
6. EXPECT THE BEST TODAY! In Luke 15:22 the father said, "bring the best robe, and put it on my son..." You are God’s child. He wants the best for you. Believe for goodness and mercy to follow you all the days of your life.
No matter what is happening in this world, things are getting better and better for me! God has made me righteous through His blood; therefore, my path is getting brighter and brighter every day.
My inner man is being renewed, day by day. I have a covenant of increase and God is increasing me, and all that I have, more and more. I expect the best today. He has saved the best for last and therefore I expect my coming days to be better than my past days, in Jesus’ Name!
Now on to the 40 week study on Prosperity:
Thriving in the Midst of Famine
A. Genesis 26:1—There Was a Famine in the Land
Faminea. Severe shortage
b. Extreme scarcity
c. Serious economic downturn
2. Dark time for those who…
a. Don’t know God
b. Don’t know their covenant with God
c. Fear, panic, uncertainty, hopelessness
3. What the word tells
a. Job 5:20, 22 (NLT): “He will save you from death in time of famine…. You will laugh at destruction and famine.”
b. Psalm 33:18-19: “The eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in His mercy [NLT—rely on His unfailing love]; to deliver their soul from
death, and to keep them alive in famine.”
c. Psalm 37:18-19: Even in famine they will have more than enough.
i. HEB: “…He will supply until no more is needed.”
4. In famine, we don’t just survive—WE THRIVE!
a. Prosper, flourish, succeed, advance
b. Grow vigorously
c. Increase in goods and estate
us about famine5. Proverbs 10:22: “The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.”
B. Genesis 26—Isaac Thrived in Famine
1. Verses 1-6: Stay where you are—
obedience.a. God needed him there.
b. God needs us right here, right now.
c. Zechariah 8:13 (NLT): “Among the other nations, Judah and Israel became symbols of a cursed nation. But no longer! Now, I will rescue you and make you
both a symbol and a source of blessing. So don’t be afraid. Be strong, and get on with rebuilding the temple!”
d. We are a symbol of THE BLESSING.
e. We are a source of THE BLESSING.
i. Genesis 12:2-3 (AMP): “I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you [with abundant increase of favors] and make your name famous and
distinguished, and you will be a blessing [dispensing good to others]…. In you will all the families and kindred of the earth be blessed [and by you they will
bless themselves].”
ii. Psalm 21:6 (AMP): “…You make him to be blessed and a blessing forever.”
2. Verse 12: He sowed and received in the same year one hundredfold—and the Lord
blessed him.
b. Psalm 65:11-13 (NLT): “You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance. The grasslands of the wilderness
become a lush pasture, and the hillsides blossom with joy. The meadows are clothed with flocks of sheep, and the valleys are carpeted with grain. They all shout
and sing for joy!”
c. In the same year.
3.Verse 13: Isaac waxed great, went forward and became very great.
a. (NLT): He became a rich man and his wealth only continued to grow.
b. He was thriving—flourishing, succeeding, advancing, growing vigorously, increasing in goods, estates, bulk and stature.
c. He became stronger and more powerful in wealth and influence.
4. Verse 14: He had possessions of flocks of sheep, herds of cattle and a great store of servants.
a. Philistines were jealous.
b. They wanted to stop him.
5. Verses 22-24: He didn’t give up—he wouldn’t quit.
b. (NLT): “…At last the Lord has created enough space for us prosper [thrive, flourish, succeed, advance and grow vigorously] in this land.”
Unusual yield—even in fertile regions, not greater than twenty-five to fiftyfold.Rehobeth (HEB) = room, streets, a broad and spacious place, an enlargement.C. In Order to Thrive in Times of Famine, We Must Keep Doing What Isaac Did1. Keep obeying God.
a. Obedience is where THE BLESSING is.
b. Isaiah 1:19: “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.”
2. Keep sowing seed.
a. It is always a good time to sow into the kingdom of God.
b. Ecclesiastes 11:4 (AMP): “He who observes the wind [and waits for all conditions to be favorable] will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.”
3. Keep tithing.
a. Isaac tithed—how do we know?
b. Genesis 14:20: Abraham gave tithes of all
c. Genesis 18:19: “For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord….”
4. Keep on walking by faith.
a. Isaac didn’t quit standing in faith.
b. Hebrews 10:35 (AMP): “Do not, therefore, fling away your fearless confidence, for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward.”
c. Galatians 6:9 (AMP): “Let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we
do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.”
5. Psalm 92:12-14: Keep attending church.
a. Verse 12: “The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.”
b. Verse 13: “Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.”
c. Verse 14: “They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing.”
i. Our future is secure in Him.
D. Thriving In a Time of Famine—Confession
I am not moved by what I see.
I am not moved by what I hear.
I am going up higher.
I am going to keep obeying.
I am going to keep sowing.
I am going to keep believing.
I am going to keep receiving.
I am going to keep on walking by faith.
In a time of famine,we are thriving.
We are prospering.
We are flourishing.
We are succeeding.
We are advancing.
We are growing vigorously.
We are increasing.So there you have it. I hope you are enjoying this combined 40 week study on financial freedom and peace and prosperity as much as I am enjoying sharing it with you.
God bless..
Ms. Jini
Monday, 5 September 2011
40 Weeks of Prosperity: Week 3 - Same Conditions-Different Results
For the past few weeks I've been undergoing a 40 week study (originally a 40 day study that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The study was started by Pastor George Pearsons, from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, TX.
Here's Week 3:
Same Conditions—Different Results
A. Jeremiah 17:5-8: Same Conditions—Different Results
1. The cursed man trusts himself; his heart is not toward God.
2. The result: no fruit, no hope, no future
3. The blessed man trusts God with his whole heart.
4. The result: thriving tree, roots deep, no fear, produces fruit
5. Verse 17:8 (MSG): “They’re like trees replanted in Eden, putting down roots near the rivers. Never a worry through the hottest of summers, never dropping a leaf.
Serene and calm through droughts, bearing fresh fruit every season.”
B. Luke 6:46-49: Same Storm—Different Outcome
C. Confession
I am not moved by what I see.
I am not moved by what I hear.
I am not subject to the times.
I will keep obeying God.
I will keep tithing.
I will keep sowing seed.
I will keep walking by faith.
I will keep going to church.
I am separated from the curse of lack.
I am connected to THE BLESSING of Abraham.
I am thriving, flourishing, increasing, enlarging, experiencing God’s supernatural provision.
I call September...
PROSPERITY MONTH for my household.God bless..
Ms Jini
Friday, 2 September 2011
Q & A on Success with Ann
Today I'd like to feature a Q & A session I just recently had with Ann from on her idea of Success:
My definition of success is to fulfill God's call on my life and in so doing to bless other people and bring Him glory and honor. I am willing to use all the gifts and talents God has placed in me as well as my time, effort, money and other resources in pursuing His call on my life. I will not compromise my Christian faith, harm anyone, neglect my family or do anything illegal, immoral or that would quench the Holy Spirit in my life.
Very basically my short term goals are to stay ahead on my newsletters, blog posts and to promote my book and coaching business while creating income streams. Mid term goals include building my coaching business, writing more ebooks and working to create a 12-month program people can access month to month for those who cannot afford personal coaching. My long term goal is to offer my services in a very specific and targeted way as a corporate Biblical health coach to several Christian companies.
I am willing to work hard every day and prioritize my time as I also work a full time job right now - as well as working with clients I am coaching. As I mentioned - I will not compromise my Christian beliefs and values. I realize some people visit my website and are turned off by the openly Christian content. I believe those are not the right clients for me.
My advice to anyone wanting to be an entrepreneur is to begin slowly and carefully - if you work a job - begin building a business while you still keep your income - use wisdom and allow God to guide your steps. I certainly would suggest you begin with something simple to get people interested like a blog. You can then create a website and I suggest creating some "freebies" like an ebook, report or newsletter you can offer people. Utilize social media - make a page on Facebook and use Twitter to position yourself as an expert. Most of all - saturate your efforts with prayer.
I would love for anyone interested to visit my website at and also would like to promote my book, Today's the Day Seven Week Fitness Plan. You will notice on the website page I also have a link for an interview I did about it and also a blog created just for this plan, as well as a specific Facebook page.
Good luck to anyone stepping out in this way!
Thanks for your input Ann.
God bless..
Ms Jini
My definition of success is to fulfill God's call on my life and in so doing to bless other people and bring Him glory and honor. I am willing to use all the gifts and talents God has placed in me as well as my time, effort, money and other resources in pursuing His call on my life. I will not compromise my Christian faith, harm anyone, neglect my family or do anything illegal, immoral or that would quench the Holy Spirit in my life.
Very basically my short term goals are to stay ahead on my newsletters, blog posts and to promote my book and coaching business while creating income streams. Mid term goals include building my coaching business, writing more ebooks and working to create a 12-month program people can access month to month for those who cannot afford personal coaching. My long term goal is to offer my services in a very specific and targeted way as a corporate Biblical health coach to several Christian companies.
I am willing to work hard every day and prioritize my time as I also work a full time job right now - as well as working with clients I am coaching. As I mentioned - I will not compromise my Christian beliefs and values. I realize some people visit my website and are turned off by the openly Christian content. I believe those are not the right clients for me.
My advice to anyone wanting to be an entrepreneur is to begin slowly and carefully - if you work a job - begin building a business while you still keep your income - use wisdom and allow God to guide your steps. I certainly would suggest you begin with something simple to get people interested like a blog. You can then create a website and I suggest creating some "freebies" like an ebook, report or newsletter you can offer people. Utilize social media - make a page on Facebook and use Twitter to position yourself as an expert. Most of all - saturate your efforts with prayer.
I would love for anyone interested to visit my website at and also would like to promote my book, Today's the Day Seven Week Fitness Plan. You will notice on the website page I also have a link for an interview I did about it and also a blog created just for this plan, as well as a specific Facebook page.
Good luck to anyone stepping out in this way!
Thanks for your input Ann.
God bless..
Ms Jini
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