Thursday, 25 August 2011

40 Weeks of Fasting from Wrong Thinking: Financial Freedom & Peace - Week 2

Today I am continuing on a 40 week fast (originally a 40 day fast that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The fast was started by Pastor Gregory Dickow, from Life Changers International Church in Chicago, IL.
Here's Week 2:

"I need more money."
We often think that more money will solve our problems. But the truth is - we need a lot of things that money can’t buy!

Today, we’re fasting from the thought that says, “I need more money!”

Who hasn’t thought that once or twice (a day)?

Let’s change it today:

1. God is your source. We often think that God will be our source of money; but He is our source PERIOD. (2 Corinthians 9:8) He is your sufficiency.

2. We don’t need more money, we need more of God in our lives! As you stay full of God (His Word, the assurance of His love), you will have what you need. We don’t leak (He’ll never leave us), but we forget. (Romans 1:21) As you stay thankful, you stay FULL of God.

3. Abide in Him today.
(John 15:7) See yourself in union with Jesus. Meditate on being “In Him”. Start with 2 Corinthians 1:20.

4. Let His Words abide in you today.
(John 15:7) As His Words become the fiber of your being; and become one with you, you can ASK anything in His Name, and it will be given to you. AMAZING!

5. Don’t limit God. In Psalm 78:41, they limited God. This means that they set the boundaries. They defined what God could do, and how He could provide. This was their downfall.

6. God has countless ways to provide for you.
It might be money or a business, or an idea, or wisdom, or a better budget, etc. He can give water from a rock; bread from heaven; food for a multitude from 5 loaves; coins out of a fish’s mouth...Expect Him to provide HIS way.


God is my source. I refuse to limit how God can provide, or what He can provide me with. I abide IN HIM and His Word abides in me, and therefore I can ask for whatever I wish, and it will be done. I stay thankful and full of God. Money is not my source. My job is not my source. God is my source, and I expect His ideas, wisdom, provision and supply, in Jesus’ Name.

God bless..

Ms Jini

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