Monday, 17 October 2011

50 Week Study on Prosperity - Week 7: Supernatural Provision

This week I am switching things up a bit. I have just restarted another blog of mine: Christians In Business (CIB), so I'll be continuing the 40 week fast for financial freedom & peace on the CIB blog while I continue the 50 week study on prosperity here on this blog. So without further adieu....(CRCADDXJQXG2)

Just as a reminder, the study on prosperity was started by Pastor George Pearsons from Eagle Mountain International Church, in Fort Worth, Tx. So here we go with week 7:

Supernatural Provision

A. Matthew 17:24-27 - Money in a Fish's Mouth
1. Demonstration of supernatural provision - "Bring it on, birds!" Testimony Tommy Williams shared several years ago how he spoke to the birds to bring him money.
Based upon 1 Kings 17, Tommy started finding money around the house after he went out and hollered at the birds.
A 15-year-old was so impressed with this story that he decided to try it. He asked the Lord for $10 for missions.
He went out, spoke to the birds and commanded them to put it in a tree in the backyard. The first day he discovered 65 cents, the second day $2.35, and the third day $7. Over the next two months, he found a total of $440 in the tree!
2. Foreign to natural man's thinking
3. Unusual, unlimited, accelerated supply from heaven
4. Supersedes the realm of impossibility
5. God has supernatural ways to fully supply every need in the face of lack, shortage and a bad economy.
a. He makes the way when they say there is no way.

B. What We Must Do to Experience Supernatural Provision
1. Enlarge our capacity for supernatural provision.
2. See God supernaturally supplying the need.
3. Feed on the Word.
4. Renew our minds.
5. Exercise faith.

C. Faith-Building Scriptures for Supernatural Provision
1. James 1:17: "Every good gift and every perfect gift [AMP - free, large, full] is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
2. Ephesians 3:20-21 (AMP): "Now to Him who, by the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams] - to Him be glory in the church..."
3. Philippians 4:19 (AMP): "My God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
a. Supply in the Greek - fill up, make full, furnish liberally, fill to the top so that nothing shall be wanting, fill to the brim so that nothing shall be lacking
4. Psalm 68:19: "Blessed by the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation."
5. Isaiah 55:1: "Every one that thirsteth, come to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price."

D. Examples of Supernatural Provision
1. Genesis 22:6-14: God supernaturally provided a ram for the sacrifice.
a. Verse 14: Abraham called the name of that place, "The Lord will provide."
2. 1 Kings 17:1-6: God supernaturally provided ravens to bring food and drink to Elijah.
3. 1 Kings 17:8-16: God supernaturally provided a one-year supply of food for the widow in the midst of a famine.
a. Verse 14: The barrel of meal and the bottle of oil would not be empty until the rain returned.
b. Verse 15: She, he and her house did eat a full year.
c. Verse 16 (NLT): No matter how much they used, there was always enough left over in the containers.
4. 2 Kings 4:1-7: God supernaturally provided supernatural debt cancellation for the widow.
a. The woman kept pouring oil from a small pot into as many empty vessels as they could find.
5. 2 Kings 6:1-7: God supernaturally caused a borrowed, lost ax head to float to the surface of the water.
6. John 2:1-11: Jesus supernaturally turned water into wine.
a. 180 gallons of wine
7. John 6:5-14: Jesus supernaturally multiplies the fish and loaves and feeds 20,000.
a. Word from the Lord through Brother Copeland, "You are going to be the ones who God uses to supernaturally feed the lost when disasters come. Only, it is not going to be like it was in the past. In many cases, you are not even going to need the trucks and airplanes. In a lot of cases, you are just going to take one little meal and divide it and divide it and divide it."
b. Jesus touched the loaves and fishes and they supernaturally multiplied.

E. Galatians 6:7-8 - Sowing Is a Supernatural Action
1. "Those who give shall walk in the ways of the supernatural."
- Kenneth Copeland
2. When you sow into the kingdom of God, you reap from the kingdom of God.
3. Giving and tithing are supernatural acts.
4. Expect to reap supernatural things.
5. There are many supernatural streams of provision and income available in God's kingdom - believe and receive!

So folks, there you have it, week 7 of our study on prosperity. Be sure to check out the CIB blog for week 7 of the 40 day fast for Financial Freedom & Peace.

God bless..
Ms Jini

Monday, 10 October 2011

50 Weeks of Financial Freedom & Peace & Prosperity: Week 6

After another short delay (sorry but I've been a very busy gal lately), I am once again back to continue 2 studies that I've combined into one. The first is a 40 week fast (originally a 40 day fast that I've been taking weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The fast was started by Pastor Gregory Dickow, from Life Changers International Church in Chicago, IL. The second study was a 40 week study, now a 50 week study, that I've been taking weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The study was started by Pastor George Pearsons, from Eagle Mountain International Church in Forth Worth, TX.

I have been combining these 2 studies as I don't often have time to post on this blog more than once a week (also to give you, my valued reader, time to soak in the richness of these 2 studies). So for the 3rd week I'm sharing both the 40 week fast as well as the 50 week study on prosperity.

Here we go with the fast:

"I can't succeed in this economy."

This week, we're fasting from the thought that says, "I can't succeed in this economy."


1. You have the power to succeed in any economy. Believe it. Deuteronomy 8:18 says, "...God has given you the power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant." Notice what God gives you: the power to get it. This promise is for YOU. Meditate on it.

2. Tap into the ROOT to success-meditating on the Word of God. Psalm 1:1-3 says, "...As long as you flood your mind with the Word of God, God will fill your life with success." Your success is connected to the Word of God, not the economy.

3. Expect open doors. That's the favor of God. He opens doors for YOU that no one can close (Revelation 3:8). He wants to overtake you with increase and favor. (Psalm 115:14) Favor surrounds YOU like a shield. (Psalm 5:12) Fill your mind with FAVOR-EXPECTATION.

4. You have a covenant with God. This is what makes you different. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all succeeded in times of FAMINE and economic trouble. (Genesis 24, 26 & 28) You have been promised the same blessing as them! (Galatians 3:29) Expect it!

5. Refuse to let the economy or anything else determine your limitations and possibilities. ASK SUCCESS. THINK SUCCESS. EXPECT SUCCESS. It will always come. (Ephesians 3:20)


I have the power to succeed even in the worst economy. God will establish His covenant in this earth through me. I choose to fill my mind with the GOOD news rather than the current news. The Word is my meditation, day and night. I expect open doors. They are coming to me every day, somehow, someway. I have a covenant with God. I think big success; ask big success; and I expect BIG success, in Jesus' Name!

Now on to the 50 week study on Prosperity:

Our Relationship to Money

A. The Role of Money in Our Lives
1. Money issues can be a source of stress and pressure.
2. They control lives, attitudes and emotions.
3. Some are slaves to money-driven to make it and keep it.
4. We must straighten out our relationship with money.
5. Goal: Financial Attitude Adjustment

B. Matthew 6:24-33-Settle This: I Serve God. Money Serves Me.
1. Genesis 1:29: Seed was designed by God to serve us.
2. Psalm 104:14: Seed is for the service of man.
3. Mark 10:17-22: Example of a man serving money
4. Mark 12:41-44: Example of money serving a woman
a. 2 Corinthians 9:6: This is what she did.

C. 1 Timothy 6:10, 17-19: How We Conduct Ourselves With Money
1. Verse 10: The love of money is the root of all evil.
2. We don't love money-we love God.
3. Verse 17: We don't trust money-we trust God.
4. Verse 18: We are givers of money-not takers.
5. Money is a tool to help others.

D. My Confession of Faith
I settle this issue right now.
I adjust my financial attitude.
I do not serve money.
I am not a slave to money.
I serve God.
Money serves me.
I do not work for money.
Money works for me.
Money doesn't control me-I control money.
Money doesn't rule me-I rule money.
Money doesn't dominate me-I dominate money.
I fearlessly tithe as I am told.
I boldly give as I am led.
Money-you serve me.
Money-you obey me.
Money-you multiply, increase and produce maximum harvest.
Harvest-I command you to come to me now-in Jesus' Name!

God bless..

Ms Jini

Monday, 26 September 2011

40 Weeks of Financial Freedom & Peace & Prosperity: Week 5

After a short delay, I am back to continue two 40 week studies: a 40 week fast (originally a 40 day fast that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The fast was started by Pastor Gregory Dickow, from Life Changers International Church in Chicago, IL, and a 40 week study (originally a 40 day study that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The study was started by Pastor George Pearsons, from Eagle Mountain International Church in Forth, Worth, Tx.

I have combined both these studies as I don't often have time to post on this blog more than once a week. So for the second week I'm sharing both the 40 week fast as well as the 40 week study on prosperity.

Here we go with the fast:

"Prosperity is defined by our financial status."

As we continue to fast from wrong thinking, we are focusing on financial freedom - which of course starts in our thinking. Proverbs 23:7 says, "As a man thinks within, so is he."

God has called me to help RE-DEFINE prosperity. So, today we are going to continue to fast from the thought that says, "Prosperity is defined by our financial status."

Let's change it today:

1. True Prosperity will change my financial status; but is not defined by my financial status. 3 John 2 says, "Beloved I wish you to prosper and be in health, EVEN AS YOUR SOUL PROSPERS." As your soul prospers, it improves everything in your life.

2. True Prosperity is defined by: Soul Prosperity. When your soul is filled with God and His Word, it affects EVERYTHING YOU PUT YOUR HAND TO, including your finances. (Psalm 1:1-3, Joshua 1:7-8)

3. True Prosperity is defined by: the Presence of God in your life. Remember, Joseph was defined as prosperous, BECAUSE THE LORD WAS WITH HIM. (Genesis 39:2).

4. True Prosperity is defined by: The power of answered prayer. John 15:7 says if "God's Word abides in us, we can ask WHATEVER we wish, and it will be done for us."

5. True Prosperity is defined by: Grace and righteousness. Romans 5:17 says in the Amplified version, "Through the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, we reign as kings in this life."

6. True Prosperity is defined by: Seeking first the kingdom of God. Matthew 6:33 says, "...and all these things will be added to you". Put God first in your thoughts, your money, your priorities-and God will supply!

Think It & Say It:

I live in Re-defined Prosperity and will not be defined by my financial status. True prosperity will change my financial status; but it starts in my soul. I am filled with God's Word. I am filled with God's presence. I am filled with the power of answered prayer. I am filled with grace and righteousness. I am filled with the kingdom of God. I am a truly prosperous man or woman, in Jesus' Name!

Now on to the 40 week study on Prosperity:

Walking in the Fullness of The Blessing

A. Romans 15:29-The Fullness of The Blessing
1. (GNB): I shall come with a full measure of The Blessing.
2. Fullness = Greek word pleroma
3. To be filled up, full, complete, to be fully furnished and liberally supplied
a. Philippians 4:19 (AMP) "My God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
4. To fill to the top so that nothing is wanting; to fill to the brim so that nothing is lacking
a. Example of a ship fully manned with sailors, rowers and soldiers and fully loaded with supplies, freight and merchandise
5. Plethora-overabundance, excessive amount, superabundance

B. Genesis 1:27-28-A Quick Review of The Blessing
1. The very first words heard by a human ear, setting the course and precedent for God's perfect will for man
2. Man was empowered by The Blessing in order to:
a. Be fruitful
b. Multiply
c. Replenish the earth
d. Subdue the earth
e. Have dominion over the earth
3. The Garden of Eden was a perfect demonstration of God's plan for this planet. It was a prototype of what He wanted the planet to look like. Adam's job was to exercise his God-given authority and expand that Garden until it encompassed the entire earth. That was what The Blessing was for.
4. It provided Adam with the power to carry on the work God began at Creation. It equipped him with the divine resources he needed to follow God's example. He was to transform the uncultivated parts of this planet into a veritable Garden of Eden by speaking faith-filled words. The Blessing empowered Adam to be The Blessing wherever he went. The Garden of Eden was literally inside Adam.
5. Jesus came to restore The Blessing that was lost at the Fall.
a. Jesus is The Blessing-the last Adam.
b. Jesus-The Blessing-now is alive in us.
c. We have been redeemed from the curse and now walk in The Blessing of Abraham.

C. Galatians 3:13-14-Redeemed From the Curse to Walk in The Blessing
1. Redeem-to buy back, to buy out, to clear by payment
2. To free a person from captivity by paying a ransom
3. We have been freed from the curse of poverty.
a. Lack
b. Deficiency
c. Not enough
d. Shortage
4. We are redeemed from "paycheck-to-paycheck," just barely getting along.
5. Proverbs 10:22: "The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it."

D. Deuteronomy 28:1-14-Walking in the Fullness of The Blessing
1. Verse 2: All these blessings shall come on you and overtake you.
a. Brenton: All these blessings shall come upon you and shall find you
b. HEB = will reach you
2. Verse 8 (MSG): "God will order a blessing on your barns and workplaces..."
a. CEV: "The Lord your God is giving you the land, and He will make sure you are successful in everything you do..."
3. Verse 11 (MSG): "God will lavish you with good things.."
a. AMP: "The Lord shall make you have a surplus of prosperity..."
b. BBE: "The Lord will make you fertile in every good thing..."
c. REV: "The Lord will make you abound in prosperity..."
4. Verse 12 (MSG): "God will throw open the doors of His sky vaults and pour rain on your land on schedule and bless the work you take in hand. You will lend to many nations but you yourself won't have to take out a loan."
a. AMP: "The Lord shall open to you His good treasury..."
b. NLT: "The Lord will send rain at the proper time from His rich treasury in the heavens and will bless the work you do..."
c. Treasury in the Hebrew = depository, armory
d. BBE: He will open His storehouse in heaven.
e. CEP: "The Lord will open the storehouses of the skies."
5. I am walking in the fullness of The Blessing,
fully furnished and liberally supplied.
Filled to the top-nothing wanting.
Filled to the brim-nothing lacking.
My ship is full and overflowing.
The Blesing has come to me.
The Blessing has overtaken me.
I am walking in the superabundant,
exceeding excess, fullness of The Blessing.

So there you have it. I hope you are continuing to enjoy this combined 40 week study on financial freedom and peace and prosperity as much as I am continuing to enjoy sharing it with you.

God bless..

Ms. Jini

Sunday, 11 September 2011

40 Weeks of Financial Freedom & Peace & Prosperity: Week 4

For the past few weeks I've been undergoing two 40 week studies: a 40 week fast (originally a 40 day fast that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The fast was started by Pastor Gregory Dickow, from Life Changers International Church in Chicago, IL, and a 40 week study (originally a 40 day study that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The study was started by Pastor George Pearsons, from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, TX.
Starting this week I'll be combining both studies as I don't often have time to post on this blog more than once a week. So this week I'll be sharing both the 40 week fast as well as the 40 week study on prosperity.

Here we go with the fast:

"Things might not get better. They seem to be getting worse!"

This thinking is not an option today or EVER! No matter how bad things have gotten financially or in ANY AREA OF YOUR LIFE, God has promised that they will get better.

Let’s change it today:

1. The path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter until the full day (Proverbs 4:18).

2. God is the God of increase, not decrease. 1 Corinthians 3:6 says, “One plants, another waters, BUT GOD GIVES THE INCREASE.”

3. You have a covenant of increase from God. Psalm 115:14 says “May the Lord give you increase”. Deuteronomy 1:11 says, “May the Lord..increase you a thousand times and bless you as He has promised.”

4. Eliminate the ‘half empty glass’ mentality. In fact, don’t accept it half full either! Think: My cup runs over! (Psalm 23:4)

5. Your life is going to end up better than it started! Ecclesiastes 7:8 says, "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning." Haggai 2:9 says, "The latter days of this house shall be greater than the former."

6. EXPECT THE BEST TODAY! In Luke 15:22 the father said, "bring the best robe, and put it on my son..." You are God’s child. He wants the best for you. Believe for goodness and mercy to follow you all the days of your life.


No matter what is happening in this world, things are getting better and better for me! God has made me righteous through His blood; therefore, my path is getting brighter and brighter every day.

My inner man is being renewed, day by day. I have a covenant of increase and God is increasing me, and all that I have, more and more.  I expect the best today. He has saved the best for last and therefore I expect my coming days to be better than my past days, in Jesus’ Name!

Now on to the 40 week study on Prosperity:

Thriving in the Midst of Famine
A. Genesis 26:1—There Was a Famine in the Land
a. Severe shortage
b. Extreme scarcity
c. Serious economic downturn
2. Dark time for those who…
a. Don’t know God
b. Don’t know their covenant with God
c. Fear, panic, uncertainty, hopelessness
3. What the word tells
a. Job 5:20, 22 (NLT): “He will save you from death in time of famine…. You will laugh at destruction and famine.”
b. Psalm 33:18-19: “The eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in His mercy [NLT—rely on His unfailing love]; to deliver their soul from
death, and to keep them alive in famine.”
c. Psalm 37:18-19: Even in famine they will have more than enough.
i. HEB: “…He will supply until no more is needed.”
4. In famine, we don’t just survive—WE THRIVE!
a. Prosper, flourish, succeed, advance
b. Grow vigorously
c. Increase in goods and estate
us about famine
5. Proverbs 10:22: “The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.”
B. Genesis 26—Isaac Thrived in Famine
1. Verses 1-6: Stay where you are—
a. God needed him there.
b. God needs us right here, right now.
c. Zechariah 8:13 (NLT): “Among the other nations, Judah and Israel became symbols of a cursed nation. But no longer! Now, I will rescue you and make you
both a symbol and a source of blessing. So don’t be afraid. Be strong, and get on with rebuilding the temple!”
d. We are a symbol of THE BLESSING.
e. We are a source of THE BLESSING.
i. Genesis 12:2-3 (AMP): “I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you [with abundant increase of favors] and make your name famous and
distinguished, and you will be a blessing [dispensing good to others]…. In you will all the families and kindred of the earth be blessed [and by you they will
bless themselves].”
ii. Psalm 21:6 (AMP): “…You make him to be blessed and a blessing forever.”
2. Verse 12: He sowed and received in the same year one hundredfold—and the Lord
blessed him.
b. Psalm 65:11-13 (NLT): “You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance. The grasslands of the wilderness
become a lush pasture, and the hillsides blossom with joy. The meadows are clothed with flocks of sheep, and the valleys are carpeted with grain. They all shout
and sing for joy!”
c. In the same year.
3.Verse 13: Isaac waxed great, went forward and became very great.
a. (NLT): He became a rich man and his wealth only continued to grow.
b. He was thriving—flourishing, succeeding, advancing, growing vigorously, increasing in goods, estates, bulk and stature.
c. He became stronger and more powerful in wealth and influence.
4. Verse 14: He had possessions of flocks of sheep, herds of cattle and a great store of servants.
a. Philistines were jealous.
b. They wanted to stop him.
5. Verses 22-24: He didn’t give up—he wouldn’t quit.
b. (NLT): “…At last the Lord has created enough space for us prosper [thrive, flourish, succeed, advance and grow vigorously] in this land.”
Unusual yield—even in fertile regions, not greater than twenty-five to fiftyfold.Rehobeth (HEB) = room, streets, a broad and spacious place, an enlargement.C. In Order to Thrive in Times of Famine, We Must Keep Doing What Isaac Did
1. Keep obeying God.
a. Obedience is where THE BLESSING is.
b. Isaiah 1:19: “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.”
2. Keep sowing seed.
a. It is always a good time to sow into the kingdom of God.
b. Ecclesiastes 11:4 (AMP): “He who observes the wind [and waits for all conditions to be favorable] will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.”
3. Keep tithing.
a. Isaac tithed—how do we know?
b. Genesis 14:20: Abraham gave tithes of all
c. Genesis 18:19: “For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord….”
4. Keep on walking by faith.
a. Isaac didn’t quit standing in faith.
b. Hebrews 10:35 (AMP): “Do not, therefore, fling away your fearless confidence, for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward.”
c. Galatians 6:9 (AMP): “Let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we
do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.”
5. Psalm 92:12-14: Keep attending church.
a. Verse 12: “The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.”
b. Verse 13: “Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.”
c. Verse 14: “They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing.”
i. Our future is secure in Him.
D. Thriving In a Time of Famine—Confession
I am not moved by what I see.
I am not moved by what I hear.
I am going up higher.
I am going to keep obeying.
I am going to keep sowing.
I am going to keep believing.
I am going to keep receiving.
I am going to keep on walking by faith.
In a time of famine,we are thriving.
We are prospering.
We are flourishing.
We are succeeding.
We are advancing.
We are growing vigorously.
We are increasing.

So there you have it. I hope you are enjoying this combined 40 week study on financial freedom and peace and prosperity as much as I am enjoying sharing it with you.

God bless..

Ms. Jini

Monday, 5 September 2011

40 Weeks of Prosperity: Week 3 - Same Conditions-Different Results

For the past few weeks I've been undergoing a 40 week study (originally a 40 day study that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The study was started by Pastor George Pearsons, from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, TX.

Here's Week 3:

Same Conditions—Different Results
A. Jeremiah 17:5-8: Same Conditions—Different Results
1. The cursed man trusts himself; his heart is not toward God.
2. The result: no fruit, no hope, no future
3. The blessed man trusts God with his whole heart.
4. The result: thriving tree, roots deep, no fear, produces fruit
5. Verse 17:8 (MSG): “They’re like trees replanted in Eden, putting down roots near the rivers. Never a worry through the hottest of summers, never dropping a leaf.
Serene and calm through droughts, bearing fresh fruit every season.”
B. Luke 6:46-49: Same Storm—Different Outcome
C. Confession
I am not moved by what I see.
I am not moved by what I hear.
I am not subject to the times.
I will keep obeying God.
I will keep tithing.
I will keep sowing seed.
I will keep walking by faith.
I will keep going to church.
I am separated from the curse of lack.
I am connected to THE BLESSING of Abraham.
I am thriving, flourishing, increasing, enlarging, experiencing God’s supernatural provision.
I call September...
PROSPERITY MONTH for my household.

God bless..
Ms Jini

Friday, 2 September 2011

Q & A on Success with Ann

Today I'd like to feature a Q & A session I just recently had with Ann from on her idea of Success:

My definition of success is to fulfill God's call on my life and in so doing to bless other people and bring Him glory and honor.  I am willing to use all the gifts and talents God has placed in me as well as my time, effort, money and other resources in pursuing His call on my life.  I will not compromise my Christian faith, harm anyone, neglect my family or do anything illegal, immoral or that would quench the Holy Spirit in my life.

Very basically my short term goals are to stay ahead on my newsletters, blog posts and to promote my book and coaching business while creating income streams.  Mid term goals include building my coaching business, writing more ebooks and working to create a 12-month program people can access month to month for those who cannot afford personal coaching.  My long term goal is to offer my services in a very specific and targeted way as a corporate Biblical health coach to several Christian companies.

I am willing to work hard every day and prioritize my time as I also work a full time job right now - as well as working with clients I am coaching.  As I mentioned - I will not compromise my Christian beliefs and values.  I realize some people visit my website and are turned off by the openly Christian content.  I believe those are not the right clients for me.

My advice to anyone wanting to be an entrepreneur is to begin slowly and carefully - if you work a job - begin building a business while you still keep your income - use wisdom and allow God to guide your steps.  I certainly would suggest you begin with something simple to get people interested like a blog.  You can then create a website and I suggest creating some "freebies" like an ebook, report or newsletter you can offer people.  Utilize social media - make a page on Facebook and use Twitter to position yourself as an expert.  Most of all - saturate your efforts with prayer.

I would love for anyone interested to visit my website at and also would like to promote my book, Today's the Day Seven Week Fitness Plan.  You will notice on the website page I also have a link for an interview I did about it and also a blog created just for this plan, as well as a specific Facebook page.

Good luck to anyone stepping out in this way!

Thanks for your input Ann.

God bless..

Ms Jini

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

40 Weeks of Fasting from Wrong Thinking: Financial Freedom & Peace - Week 3

Today I am continuing on a 40 week fast (originally a 40 day fast that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The fast was started by Pastor Gregory Dickow, from Life Changers International Church in Chicago, IL.
Here's Week 3:
I wonder if prosperity will ever come my way

Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "I wonder if prosperity will ever come my way." This mindset is preventing true success from flowing through our lives. When we wait for it to come to us, we miss the point of what it really is.

Let’s Change It Today:

1. You already ‘got it’.  Prosperity is not something we find; it is something we ARE. Genesis 39:2--The Lord was with Joseph, so he became a SUCCESSFUL and PROSPEROUS man.  Notice, prosperity was not something he HAD; it was something HE WAS.

2. WE HAVE A BETTER COVENANT! (Hebrews 8:6)  In Joseph’s case, God was WITH him.  For us, God is also IN us. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”

3. Say what God says about you. Declare NOW that you are a prosperous and successful man or woman. Proverbs 18:21...LIFE is in the power of your tongue.

4. You have a treasure in you.  (2 Corinthians 4:6) We have this treasure in earthen vessels. Don’t doubt the treasure in you. WISDOM, GREATNESS & SUCCESS ARE ALREADY IN YOU. The kingdom of God is in you. Rom.14:17.

5. Discover the secret of serving! Jesus said, “The greatest among you is the servant of all” (Matthew 23:11).  When you believe in the greatness God put in you, you will want to help others succeed; and the river of success & blessing will flow through you.

6. You will not fail. Failure can only come when we try to find prosperity “out there.” It is in us.  God put it there.

I don’t need to wait for success to come my way.  I am a prosperous and successful person, because God is with me AND in me.  Wherever I go, I bring success. To prosper is not something I do, it's something I am. I say what God says about me. Regardless of my circumstances, success is in me. I have a treasure inside of me.  That treasure makes me secure and confident so that I can freely and gladly serve others and become a river of success and prosperity to flow through, in Jesus’ Name.

God bless..

Ms Jini

Saturday, 27 August 2011

40 Weeks of Prosperity: Week 2 - Not Subject to the Times

Today I am continuing on a 40 week study (originally a 40 day study that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The study was started by Pastor George Pearsons, from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, TX.
Here's Week 2:

Not Subject to the Times
A. We Are Not Subject to the Times
1. We are not subject to, and do not live under, the dominion, rule, control or influence of whichever way the economy and world system is going at the moment.
2. The times are subject to the authority of the Word, the blood and the Name of Jesus spoken and acted upon by the believer.
3. The times are subject to us.
4. We are subject to and governed by another economy and another system—the kingdom of God.
5. We live in the secret place.
a. Psalm 27:1-6: “In the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion….”
b. Psalm 32:6-7: “Thou art my hiding place….”
c. Psalm 31:14-15: “My times are in thy hand….”
B. John 17:13-22—We Are Separated From the World’s Failing System
1. We are to thrive and not just survive.
2. Verse 14: We are not of this world’s system.
3. Verse 15: “…Keep them from the evil.”
a. Matthew 6:13: “Deliver us from evil….”
b. Galatians 1:4: “…Deliver us from this present evil world.”
c. 1 John 5:18: “…That wicked one toucheth him not.”
d. 1 Corinthians 10:13: He has made a way to escape.
4. Verse 17: Sanctified from the world through the Word
b. Romans 8:2: “The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free has separated me from the law of sin and death.”
5. We thrive and prosper in tough times.
a. We are not subject to the economy.
b. We flourish in spite of what is happening.
c. Untouched and unaffected
Survive—barely get by, merely existThrive—flourish, succeed, advance, prosperSanctified—Separated and cut away from the effects of
C. Exodus 8:23—The Wall of Redemption
1. Verses 20-23: No swarms of flies
2. 9:1-7: Cattle didn’t die
3. 9:22-26: No hail
4. 10:21-23: Light in the land
5. Galatians 3:13: Separated from the curse
a. Verse 9: “They which be of faith are blessed….”

God bless..
Ms Jini

Thursday, 25 August 2011

40 Weeks of Fasting from Wrong Thinking: Financial Freedom & Peace - Week 2

Today I am continuing on a 40 week fast (originally a 40 day fast that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The fast was started by Pastor Gregory Dickow, from Life Changers International Church in Chicago, IL.
Here's Week 2:

"I need more money."
We often think that more money will solve our problems. But the truth is - we need a lot of things that money can’t buy!

Today, we’re fasting from the thought that says, “I need more money!”

Who hasn’t thought that once or twice (a day)?

Let’s change it today:

1. God is your source. We often think that God will be our source of money; but He is our source PERIOD. (2 Corinthians 9:8) He is your sufficiency.

2. We don’t need more money, we need more of God in our lives! As you stay full of God (His Word, the assurance of His love), you will have what you need. We don’t leak (He’ll never leave us), but we forget. (Romans 1:21) As you stay thankful, you stay FULL of God.

3. Abide in Him today.
(John 15:7) See yourself in union with Jesus. Meditate on being “In Him”. Start with 2 Corinthians 1:20.

4. Let His Words abide in you today.
(John 15:7) As His Words become the fiber of your being; and become one with you, you can ASK anything in His Name, and it will be given to you. AMAZING!

5. Don’t limit God. In Psalm 78:41, they limited God. This means that they set the boundaries. They defined what God could do, and how He could provide. This was their downfall.

6. God has countless ways to provide for you.
It might be money or a business, or an idea, or wisdom, or a better budget, etc. He can give water from a rock; bread from heaven; food for a multitude from 5 loaves; coins out of a fish’s mouth...Expect Him to provide HIS way.


God is my source. I refuse to limit how God can provide, or what He can provide me with. I abide IN HIM and His Word abides in me, and therefore I can ask for whatever I wish, and it will be done. I stay thankful and full of God. Money is not my source. My job is not my source. God is my source, and I expect His ideas, wisdom, provision and supply, in Jesus’ Name.

God bless..

Ms Jini

Friday, 19 August 2011

40 Weeks of Prosperity: Week 1 - God Wants Us To Prosper

Today I am going to embark on a 40 week study (originally a 40 day study that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The study was started by Pastor George Pearsons, from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, TX.

So let's start:

God Wants Us to Prosper
“He will spend his days in prosperity and his descendants will inherit the land.” (Psalm 25:13, NIV)
A. 3 John 2:
1. “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”
2. AMP: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way….”
B. Psalm 35:27: “Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, which
hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.”
C. Deuteronomy 8:18: “Thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is He that giveth thee the power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant
which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.”
D. 2 Chronicles 16:9: “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is
perfect toward him….”
E. Proverbs 10:22: “The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it.”
F. Philippians 4:19:
1. “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
2. AMP: “And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
G. God has a covenant determination to prosper us. Our responsibility is to believe it and receive it.
H. True prosperity is the ability to use God’s power to meet the needs of mankind in every realm of life—spirit, soul, body, financially, emotionally, etc.

God bless..
Ms. Jini

Thursday, 18 August 2011

40 Weeks of Fasting from Wrong Thinking: Financial Freedom & Peace - Week 1

Today I am going to embark on a 40 week fast (originally a 40 day fast that I've decided to take weekly: 1 thought a week instead of 1 thought a day). The fast was started by Pastor Gregory Dickow, from Life Changers International Church in Chicago, IL.

So let's start:

Revolution Day 1 - "Money equals prosperity."

Revolution Day 1

As we launch this brand new fast from wrong thinking, we will specifically be dealing with the subject of money and finances. We are living in troubled times financially, and we need to break free from the limitations of the world’s economic system, and breakthrough into the truly abundant life that Jesus promised we could have.

Living patterns are changed and developed over six weeks; as we give ourselves to a new way of thinking over the next 40 days regarding God’s economic system, our financial condition, along with many other things, will change—watch and see!

Today we’re fasting (ABSTAINING) from the thought that says, “Money equals prosperity.”

Let's change it today:

1. Money doesn’t bring prosperity; but God brings prosperity & provision. Philippians 4:19 says, “My God shall supply ALL your needs...” - this includes ALL areas of your life.

2. Let’s re-define ‘prosperity’. Prosperity IS God’s presence in your life. Genesis 39:2 says the Lord was with Joseph, so he was a PROSPEROUS MAN.

3. God’s presence causes EVERYTHING YOU PUT YOUR HAND TO, to prosper—Genesis 39:3. Because God was with Joseph, God caused everything he did to prosper.

4. When the Lord is with you, you will have what you need. Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego, PROSPERED in the fiery furnace, because of the 4th man in the fire! (Daniel 3:22-25) Money wouldn’t have delivered them; but notice it was the PRESENCE OF GOD, that DID.

5. God’s presence is with you NOW! In Matthew 28:20, Jesus said, “And lo, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS....”


My God shall supply ALL my needs. I believe in Re-Defined Prosperity. God’s presence in my life is true prosperity. His presence causes everything I put my hand to, to prosper. I expect to have everything I need, because the Lord is with me! His presence is with me, and IN me, NOW, in Jesus Name. Hello, Divine Prosperity!

God bless...
Ms. Jini

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Wealth is...

When most people think about the word wealth, they automatically think money and finances and possessions. I can't say I blame anyone who thinks this way as we were all trained to think this way.

As for me I have been retraining myself to think differently. So I'd like to share the following definition of wealth.

(Disclaimer: I did not come up with this definition. It's courtesy the Think Rich Team).

Wealth is a balance of physical and mental health, spiritual fulfillment, family happiness, true friendships, love, social kindness, the development of wisdom through knowledge and understanding, and financial prosperity.

As can be seen by this definition, wealth has to do with so much more than just finances. It is financial, social, spiritual, physical, mental, etc. I like this definition because it is not limited. It is actually pretty encompassing.

Do you have another definition of wealth? If so I'd love for you to share.

God bless..

Ms Jini

Russell Emerson on Success

Back in 2009 I had a Q & A session with Mike Spillman (Future You University) and posted the result of that Q & A session here on this blog. I can't thank Mike enough for that session. He reminded me about why we're here on this earth.

In addition to Mike Spillman, I had a similar Q & A session with Russell Emerson. Russ Emerson is currently disabled from a stroke he survived in 2001. He describes himself as abled not disabled. As such he is self employed with no current income except SSI/DSI. In his words, "I refuse to let anyone tell me what I CAN'T do, I don't know that and have no interest in remaining in THEIR small, Godless world, nor am I interested in failing to complete the journey that God specifically chose for me or influence/inspire/encourage those that He has caused or gives me the blessed opportunity to do so. Not just anyone gets to be where I have been or emerge alive from it".

There's so much more to Russ. Feel free to visit his profile on and add him as a friend. He'll happily share his world with you.

When I had the Q & A with Russ on the topic of "success", this is what he had to say:

Actually, a friend asked me once when I was about 35: How do you know that your life has been successful? My answer I believed then and 20 years later I do still. My answer then was if those who throw the dirt on you at your Victory Ceremony, can honestly say that ''He cared enough to make a difference'', then your life has been a success.

Around the same time, another friend, a Stone Cutter, making $25 per hour, asked me, a Dairy Farmer, why I did what I did? I told him the answer is simple. Everyday I produce a nutritious, consumable product and have the satisfaction of knowing that, you got $25 per hour.

I don't honestly have anything that I'm unwilling to do, except something that I know to be wrong and would not glorify God. If I did I would be outside of God's will for me.

I really do believe that long term goals should be what the short term goals were just geometrically multiplied. If the change you did, and there is no beginning or end, the consistency of God. If He never changes, can we and still be like Him or did someone or something else.

Mid-Term goals can be likened to a refreshment stop in a race that allows us to finish strong, ''run the good race , fight the good fight'' where or when Mid-Term arrives is impossible to say. If we just keep on keepin' on and the whole end [Long-Term goal] becomes geometrically multiplied, Mid-Term would impose limitations on the Long-Term goal .

Russell Emerson

As you can tell, he's very optimistic. I encourage you to get to know him better.

Stay tuned for more Q & A sessions.

God bless...
Ms Jini

Q & A with Mike Spillman from Future You University

Back in 2009 I was chatting with my friend Mike Spillman from Future You University and he pitched an idea of having a Q & A session with him. I am always hungry for great information especially from people like Mike, so I took him up on his offer. Here's the result:

Questions and Answers with Mike Spillman (an interview done by Jini Charley from Belize on 4.16.2009)

1) What is your idea/your definition of success?

When I think of "success" I actually think of two different categories. For one, I think of a general, "over-all" idea/definition which I will discuss first. As many will tell you, success is not all about wealth. Overall, I would suggest that success is a sense of fulfillment in one's life. What do I mean? Well, for me - things I take into consideration are such things as my family. I am the father of three sons, two of which are married and the youngest will be a Senior in High School next year. So, as I now observe these young men I get to watch and feel "fulfillment" in knowing that I planted seed in their lives for this very moment. I find fulfillment (success) in knowing that I did indeed spend quality time (and quantity as well) with my sons and that I shared love, laughter and music with them as they grew. Did I do everything perfectly? Of course not - but I feel a contentment and fulfillment knowing that I did the best for them that I could. I also consider my relationship with my wife. We will have been married for 28 years in about another month. By no means have I been perfect in this marriage. However, there has been a commitment and devotion that has made it last. The Bible asks the question, "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?" I also attach to that thought of "soul" , family. I do not consider one successful if he has lost family in his/her quest for "success.

Now, on to the other category which I would consider financial. Again, for others this can mean many different things. Yet, when I think of financial success I consider it this way: for me to have achieved a financial level that allows me to give away a minimum of 50% of my income to charities, youth organizations, etc. AND to be able to know that my family's financial future has also been taken care of (retirement, etc.). Then to live peaceably, joyfully and content with what is "left". To enjoy my life without worry and still know that I am helping others. What's the dollar amount on that? For me, it's likely less than one would think. Think about this - after you have shared what you have been blessed with and taken care of your family and your much do you need? My only desire in increasing wealth once these things are achieved is the ability to give even more to these charities and youth organizations. Simply put, in both "categories" my definition of success would be using and sharing what God has blessed you with!

2) What are you willing to do to be a success?
3) What are you NOT willing to do to be a success?

I'm going to combine these two questions into one. My answer to this question is a little different than it would have been a few years ago - and yet it remains the same! Confused? Let me explain. In my answer about "success" I talked about my family and my sons. I have never been willing to give up that "quantity and quality" time with my sons. Never. I understand what some people say about "quality" vs. "quantity" but I honestly believe that you cannot have one without the other. My #1 job was to be a good father to my sons, so I was not willing to spend large amounts of time away from them or to become too busy for them.

The same is true today, but in a different way. Our dynamic has changed at home, however I still am firm in my resolve to put family first. Now, that doesn't mean the same as it did several years ago due to this changing dynamic. I now have more time to devote to my dreams and goals, yet I will not do so to the detriment of my relationship with my wife or son(s). This is an EXCITING time in my life! My time has been "opened up" due to the ages of my sons, and I am very excited to be pushing ahead with these dreams and goals.

I HOPE that I am willing to have a determination that will never give up in this pursuit! I hope that I am willing to teach others along the way and to help them in their pursuits. I HOPE that I will always be an example of character and honesty along the way. I am committed to that. So, in saying that, I am NOT willing to pursue this success "at all costs". As you read in my definition of success, for me it is more than a dollar amount.

Bottom line, the biggest thing (in my opinion) that we must ALL be willing to do to be a success is to step out in the face of fear and make that move!

4) What are some of your short term goals?

My short term goals probably are focused around my seminars that I will begin this summer. This is a big step for me! Am I a little afraid? Yes. It's that whole "fear of the unknown" that we must all battle. More specifically, my short term goals are for my seminars to get off to a great start this summer and to have attendance at each one of at least 200 people and also for my podcasts to continue to be received well.

5) What are some of your mid-term goals?

My mid-term goals (I look at the next 3 - 5 years) would be the expansion of all that I am currently doing. I plan for my podcasts to be well-known by many and to be a top-ranked podcasts at iTunes. I also plan to be involved in my own radio program with these same ideas and thoughts. My goal is for my seminars to continue to draw those wanting and willing to grow in the area of positive thinking and personal development and to also begin to focus on programs for teens. I have a MAJOR plan/goal to happen within three years that I cannot share with you here at this time.'s a secret. But you'll hear about it, I promise!

6) What are some of your long term goals?

I love Jim Rohn. I love his personality and his approach. I love the way that he has achieved respect from so many for what he has shared with hundreds of thousands of people. He has left such a powerful legacy in his work and in his life!

My long term goals would be for this whole path that I'm taking to continue to expand and grow beyond my wildest dreams - areas that I cannot even begin to imagine at this point and for me to be willing to allow these things to happen. My long term goal is for the name, Mike Spillman, to create thoughts of "honor, integrity, honestly, quality, compassion" - and to leave this earth with such a legacy. A legacy of sharing what God has blessed me with and passing it on to others.

7) What are you willing to do to achieve those goals?
8) What are you NOT willing to do to achieve those goals?

My answer to these two would not be any different to #'s 2 and 3. I am not willing to lessen my integrity, etc. in order to reach any goal. It's just not worth it and it will bring failure sooner or later.

9) What are your values/beliefs?

I try to follow the example that Jesus left for us to focus on "serving others" rather than "being served". What a powerful thought! What a powerful way to live! By doing so, my focus is then on doing the best I can to make sure that anyone and everyone that has ANYTHING to do with me or my program(s) always receives more than they bargained for. My goal and focus because of this example is to not worry so much about "am I getting what I'm worth" as much as "are they getting MORE than they paid for?".

I believe that each of us has something great within us. As the old saying goes, "God doesn't make junk!" Oh, the world will do all it can (the negativity) to dump on us and make us feel worthless. And the world is full of people that are in this arena of "worthlessness" in their eyes --- but I believe differently! Due to that, I hope to help others rise above this negative influence so that they may live to their full, glorious potential.

10) What advice would you give to someone wanting to make it as an entrepreneur, whether online or offline?

In a recent podcast that I did ("Making the Move - Part 3" ...go to to reach my podcast link as well as my blog on these things) I discuss some very specific questions that people should ask themselves when considering stepping out and "making their move". I would direct you to that and ask that you write them down and take the time to answer each one of them. Here's the thing I want to emphasize - "making your move" can mean a lot of different things! Perhaps for you, it is deciding to get your G.E.D. or to go back to college and get your degree. That is a BIG step and many people never make these moves due to the fear that we have already discussed. Ask yourself this question - WHAT IS YOUR DREAM WORTH? Actually, a lot of the questions you have asked me would be questions I would suggest that anyone seeking to improve their life in any way ask themselves.

Another bit of advice I would give is this - NEVER GIVE UP! You see, if your "dream" has "worth/value" (again, you must determine its worth) then you should never give up on it. How long is too long? Too many people give up at the first signs of trouble or adversity. When I see this I assume that the dream must not have been worth much to start with.

And, finally, I'd give this advice - follow your heart! What do I mean by that? If the "dream" is not YOUR dream -you likely will not have the determination to follow through. If it is not something that you feel passionate about - you likely will give up. Why? Because the "worth/value" is not there! For example, at one time in my life, I sold vacuum cleaners door to door. Really - I'm telling the truth! I HATED it! However, due to some success I had early on I had been promoted to manager of the local branch. (Actually, I figured out later, no one else would take it!). Anyway, one day one of the "biggies" that was over our area was visiting with me and getting all excited about this vacuum cleaner and how to use this approach and that approach when he stopped in the middle of his sentence, looked at the blank look on my face and said, "You're really not into this at all, are you?" I honestly answered back, "No sir, I'm really not." Needless to say, that was the end of my vacuum cleaner days. THANK YOU!

Take the time necessary (what if it takes years?) to find your passion. Be patient. It will come! And, when it does, you should then have the passion necessary (the "worth/value") to follow it through.

11) Anything else you'd like to share?

I simply want to thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts. I also simply encourage others to do all they can to serve the people around you. Make an impact on YOUR world - your community, you home, your friends and family. Start there and great things will happen. I believe that and I want to encourage you to do the same. Please feel free to contact me via the website I listed above - I'd love to hear from any of you. Now, I cannot end this without saying the following......."Make it an AWESOME Day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"

At this point I thanked him for his time and answered him as to some people I'd like to have participate. Among them are Jay Peroni (, Dan Miller (, Angie Strader ( and JB Glossinger (, just to name a few. To see what they, and others, have to say, stay tuned.

Until then, God bless...

Ms Jini

Have you PAP'd today?

You might be wondering what the heck I'm talking about. I'm glad you asked. On of his podcasts, Mike Spillman (Future You University) continued on his question "Why Not Now?" Basically, he's asking what's holding you back from doing what it is you'll do "if only.." and the " one day I will..." You remember those "if only's" and "one day I will's". If only I had the time, if only I had the money, if only..fill in the blank. One day I'll start that business, one day I'll travel to that place, one day I' fill in the blank. Mike's response to the "if only" and "one day I'll" dilemma is Get Started..Today!

Ok ok ok, easier said that done right? I have obligations Ms Jini, you say. I can't just walk away from my job and step out and get going with my dreams. That'd be irresponsible. True, I agree, but there's nothing stopping you from planning, preparing, getting things set up so that you can get going with your dreams.

Which brings me to PAP, or at least the first P: Plan. Most of us don't even get to that first stage in the process. We are so busy with every day life, fulfilling our obligations to our job, our family, etc that we don't put the time into researching and planning what it will take to make our dreams come true. Then there are those of us who have done our research and have even gone as far as prepared the plan. But alas, that's as far as we've gotten.

Which brings me once again to PAP, or at least the A: Action. Once we have overcome the hurdle of researching, planning, preparing, we need to take that second step and Take Action. Even if that action does not bring you your dream (and it probably won't - forgive me but it's true, no success worth having, no dream worth bringing to pass, will happen overnight), at least you're one step closer to seeing your dream become a reality. And who knows, that one step might be the catalyst you need to get on a roll, and eventually, boom, before you know it, the dream has been realized. You're living your dream.

By now you should have guessed the last P, but if you haven't, it's Progress. All the research and planning, all the action, should lead to progress, even if it's not the desired end result, just yet. But hey, you're making progress, and progress will eventually lead you to your desired end result.

If you plan, take action and make some progress, you'll find success. Preparation is key to any success, online or offline, business or personal or social or financial or whatever success you're after. Of course, no follow up (action) on the preparation (plan) equals no progress.

Live life without regrets. Leave no room for procrastination. The time to do anything is NOW. Tomorrow is never guaranteed, but when it do comes don't let it meet you unprepared.

So have you PAP'd today? I have (this blog is proof).

God bless...
Ms Jini

There Is "Magic" in Monday!


Think about it - YOU have the ability, the POWER, to make today whatever you want it to be! Oh, I know, there are some of you that are arguing with me right now about this, trying to tell me that I don't know your boss or I don't know the stress you're under or a million other things.


Oh, I know it matters as far as "it is important" to you and your life. However, when I say IT DOESN'T MATTER, what I mean is this: regardless - REGARDLESS of any or all of these "things" that you want to mention - you STILL have the ability and the power to make today whatever YOU choose!

Why dread Monday? Why not, instead, realize that you have the chance to set the tone, not only for your day, but for your whole week! YOU chart the course! Do you understand that?

If you have been following my podcasts and/or my blog then you should have begun, by now, to understand the POWERFUL FACT (yes, FACT) that we DO have the ability within each of us to CHOOSE our path for the day. Will there be roadblocks? Sure there will. Will there be people trying to sabotage what we have planned for our day? ABSOLUTELY!

But, BE PERSISTENT and STAY ON COURSE - THE course that you have set for your self and your mindset.


Yes, you can!

And, while you're at it...."Make it an AWESOME Day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"

Mike Spillman